
Help! My mother is in pain. Can you help her? Her leg is killing her.?

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She thinks it's due to a charlie horse. I heard Arnica Gel is good, but I cannot find it at CVS. I either want to know of a good substitute/where can I buy this creme in Southern California-specifically Los Angeles County. I don't want to special order it, I want it ASAP! She is in a great deal of pain. She has already informed her doctor, but he said it's no biggie--so please don't suggest that I seek professional help. Any other suggestions?




  1. The stuff you need to buy for "right away" relief is called Biofreeze. Unfortunately, I think you would have a better chance of finding it in a natural wellness store instead of a drug store. Another thing you can try if you find it is called "icy hot". If this is a regular thing for her, she NEEDS to visit a chiropractor.

  2. If its charlie horse then tell her to walk around that usually gets mines out

  3. Listen to "just Me' the fellow that answered ahead of me.

    If it's a blood clot ice will only make it feel better but blood clots kill. Go to a e/r.

  4. do the typical things you would if it was swelling or bruising badly.  just ice it for about 10-15 minutes then put some warmth on it.  do both about 3 or 4 times.

  5. Your mother might have a blood clot in her leg. Is there any swelling? She needs to have an ultrasound done on her leg. And get a different doctor. A doctor who brushes this off that easily cannot be trusted, in my opinion.

    By the way, I have awakened at night with legs cramps and I think it might have been a mineral deficiency. When I started taking supplements, it went away.

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