
Help! My nephew is 9yr old but he poops on him self he refuses to go to the bathroom? what can be wrong?

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He left to wyoming and ever since he got back he just won't go to the bathroom he will p**p in his pants, 5x in one day. What can we do the doctor says he is just lazy? But I don't believe it. Please help us out thank's!




  1. Wow? Did he do this before he went to Wyoming? What happened in Wyoming that caused him to become such a different child? You need to do a lot of investigating. Obviously something happened while he was in Wyoming that changed him for the worse. Is there any possibility that he was sexually molested? Wow? I'd talk to him, and show alot of concern, and get to the bottom of this. I'd also try to make sure he used the toilet, and not his pants.

  2. leave him on the pot,for a while,, take things away,, have his friends tell him he smells,,leave him in his dirty clothes for a while, by his self.

  3. Make him sit on the toilet till he poops or spank him with them on and then make him wash his own under wear in the toilet. My parents use to do that to me whenever I crapped myself and I soon learned to run to the bathroom when I had to go.

  4. I would definitely take him to the doctor, if this is something that has lasted more than a week or to. 9 years old seem to old to be going through a faze like this especially if it just happened one day and this isn't something hes been struggling with for a long time.

  5. He's in grade 3, and you need to teach him how to go to the bathroom, or he will be made fun of alot! My suggestions are you tell him he has to go on the toliet. If he refuses you say,

    'Well i guess we can't go to the park. (he likes the park lets say)'

    Then he might rush into the washroom, go on teh toliet but help him, then when he gets off be VERY supportive like


    then take him, if it's rainy do something he loves indoors.

    hope i helped.

  6. You might want to get  a second opinion. We had this problem with our son that age. The problem was what is called encopresis. It is quite curable, over a period of a few months.

    I suggest a visit to another doctor or get some free as we did form Dr. Scotts questions and answers. email is .

    Good luck  ( Connie Mom of 4 )

  7. For some reason he has grown afraid of the bathroom. Perhaps something bad happened the last time he used a bathroom (in Wyoming), or some kids are even afraid of the sound of the toilet flushing. The best place to start is asking the boy "Why?" If he refused to answer, or gives an answer just to get you to leave him alone, there could be something much more serious going on than him being lazy.

  8. You need to take him to another doctor.There is a problem here that needs sorting I dont know what it is but even if he used the toilet going to poo 5 times in a day suggests all is not right .

    Nine year old boys dont just start this kind of behaviour something is wrong.

  9. Everyone just cannot wait to yell its sexual abuse...come are stop guessing.  My six year old did the same thing.  The Pediatrician told me that it actually is common among children.  I had never heard of it before, but the Doctor reassured me that all was normal.  Now, if it continued, or got really bad...then we might have to seek further medical attention.  Personally, I feel that punishing him would be wrong.  I say that only because of what my pediatrician told me.  I am referring to physical punishment as was suggested by another writer.  The reward system would work best in this situation.  Or, like another writer suggested, put him on the pot and make him sit there until he goes.  It should not take long for you to figure out what time he has his movements.  When its close to that time, put him on the pot (toilet) until he goes.  And he stays there no ifs ands or but's.  And then of course reward him when he goes. I guarantee this will work.  But to say that just because he soils himself he must have been sexually abused...with no proof or even a suggestion that something happened...well that is just absurd.

  10. sexual abuse ..this is a behavior kids show after it occurs. They are trying to cleanse themselves..even tough its pee or p**p this is what happenens

  11. who did he see in Wyoming? did they tell him to do this to make you look bad so they can take him away from you ?

    is your toilet clean some kids don't like to sit on a dirty even a little bit dirty toilet, 5 times a day seems like a lot of poo maybe his diet is making to much and it might just be hitting him too fast.

  12. You need to find out what happened in Wyoming.

    Something simillar happened to my sister, and after a few weeks, she told my mother that a tolilet had flushed whilst she was sat on it, and it had scared her. (It was an automatic tolilet and she wasn't sitting back far enough to trigger the sensor)

  13. the doctor says he's just lazy?? it would be a really odd 9-year-old who was too lazy to use the bathroom, considering all the teasing they're likely to get from it.  i'd get a second opinion.  

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