
Help! My new puppy had a gash on the top of his head but now it's grey and scabbed over....?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make sure his fur grows back and everything. Should I keep Neosporn on it? Would that help it heal?

We just got him yesterday and his head was already like that. I saw it and started yelling at my grandparents and they said all the puppies had the gash, some worse than his.




  1. i had puppies more than u can imagine!but puppies do not have gashes!u need to take him to a vet and ask!just ask ur grandparents!say "just to be on the safe side,let's take him to the vet!what if it is not normal?we need to stay on the safe side and take him!he could die!!"and tell u the truth...he might!it is healed a bit but wat about the germs??maybe i am wrong!but u need to stay on the safe side and take him to the vet!!;)good luck!!

  2. Neosporin is good just make sure that he doesn't rub it off with his paw and then clean the paw!  If he eats it you will have to take him to a vet.

  3. if you got your puppy from a pet store, bad choice. many are sold ill or with genetic defects. even worse if a breeder sold the puppy to you with a gash in its head.

    take your dog to the vet right away.

  4. take it to a vet!  

  5. Ask one of your friends if they are friends with any vets... then set up some sort of get together and your friends can invite the vet friend. Then casually bring it up in conversation.

  6. take it to the vet see whats going on.

  7. I would take him to the vet quick like.

  8. how old is the puppy.  Could be something from the birth process or the breed.  Should go away on it's own.  Neosporin is always good to put on though if there is a cut or scrape.

  9. its normal

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