I've had 6 long-finned zebra danios for quite a while now, originally they started in a 20 gallon tank, now they are in a 55 gallon with 6 cories. Last Monday I bought 4 zebra danios, to make a total of 10 in my 55 gallon. The new zebras have a yellowish shade to them, and I noticed after a few days that they were aggressive. Yesterday, I noticed 1 or 2 of the new danios going after one of my orignal danios. Today, I found 2 and sometimes 3 of the new zebras teaming up and attacking a single danio. Now before you say that this is their normal behavior, I know what their normal behavior is, and this is quite different. The group of new danios chase down and ram into the danio. It looks like they're going to kill one eventually. What is going on here? What do I do?