
Help My parakeet please!?

by Guest67247  |  earlier

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ok so i put some acne cream on and then my bird was nibbling on my finger

do you think it is anything to worry about???

(hes acting fine right now)




  1. I don't think you have to worry, but just be wary for next time

  2. Just watch him for a few days should be ok. Just remember to always wash your hands before and after you touch them. I always keep wipes right in room that way I dont forget. Most of the cream was probably absorbed into your skin on your finger by the time he nibbled on it. Watch for change in mood, droppings, or sitting fluffed up. If this happens call vet and read ingredients to her and go from there. the most dangerous I think would be the zinc that could be in it. And the sulferic acid if it has it in it.  

  3. bird are funny just watch  him

  4. No thats totally fine..

    He/she was probably nibbling to get rid of that smell or taste..

    Dont worry. sometimes I put alcohol ( I know-- Stupid) on my bird, and it goes crazy.. but i do it for medical purposes.. But it starts to dance for 5 min.. then it goes back to regular..

    but no. your bird is fine.. just make sure it didnt swallow it, because thats different!

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