My rat and I have had a great relationship from the time I got him last October when he was just about a month or two old. Today I gave him a bath like I normally do about once a month, since he's a male and tends to smell after a while. He doesn't really mind baths-I use a very mild soap and warmish water. After, I always help him dry off with a dry hand towel.
Today, I was doing just that. Whenever I pet him or dry him off, he always "grooms" me back by l*****g my hands and arms. Today, everything started out normally and he was l*****g me-then he bit me. Now, I'm used to little playful nips, but this one hurt. It didn't break the skin, but it left a little welt. I thought little of it and continued. He went back to l*****g, but kept biting me once in a while. Then, he finally bit my arm so hard that it drew blood and made it run-I was appalled! Then, he went into a frenzy and wouldn't stop the biting. I had to pick him up with the towel and put him back in his cage, because he would have bitten any exposed skin.
He's always been so congenial! What set this off? He's never bitten like that before, even when my fingers have smelled like food or had crumbs or whatever on them. My skin IS a little salty I guess since I've been doing a lot of work today-do you think that's what he wanted? And since he really lost it when he drew the blood, do you think the taste of blood set him off?
What do I do? I'm so afraid to take him out again because I'm afraid he'll bite me. Has anyone else experienced anything like this before?
Help please :(