
Help! My seven yr old is having sleep problems!

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My son has slept by himself since he was about 4. Granted we usually stayed in his room til he was asleep but he slept completely through the night. We guard what he watches on TV (nothing scary) and put him to bed at reasonable times. Here lately if he goes to sleep in his own room he wakes up screaming and wants to get in bed with us. We've prayed with him, explained there's nothing to be afraid of, and even talked about the dream with him. He doesn't want to sleep in his own bed now. We've even left the bathroom door cracked so light comes in his room. This has really been an exhausting process and I'm out of ideas. Someone please help!




  1. Set up a normal bedtime routine. Try to talk about whatever nightmare he is having and explain to him that he is safe in his own home.

  2. He might be having night terrors. I had those when I was younger. They usually occurred after a dream or something. When he wakes up, just tell him to take 10 deep breaths and have him keep saying in his head "It was just a dream, it was not real, it never will be." Have him sleep with a few stuffed animals that he can snuggle up with. Or a picture on his night stand of his favorite things, or family that he can look at when he is scared. If all else fails he WILL grow out of it.

  3. Why not let him sleep with all the lights on in his room until it passes? I have done this and in time they want them back off with a night light, I have never made my kids sleep in  the dark. Ask him if there is something in his room that is bothering him. One time all of a sudden something in my daughters room scared her and it had been there all her life. I also leave on music at night, the silence scares my youngest more than anything. I have also had my daughter draw out her dream that scared her and it seemed to help, then I had her draw out some good dreams as well, it was her dream book. I have read about a mom who made up a certificate (sort of, at a loss for words) for her child to keep under her pillow. Like a beware, you cannot scare this child etc. and it worked for her.

    Hope some of these ideas helped.

  4. night terrors its just a phase

  5. Having all boys, some who have had sleep problems - don't panic too much.  Just simple growing can effect their sleep.  Try putting a lamp in his room with a blue light bulb.  It will give just enough light for him to have comfort but not enough to keep him up.  Also, maybe he and his brother could share a room?  Often kids sleep better when sharing a room with a sibling.  Just continue to comfort him and encourage him to be on his own...he'll work through this, just stay calm and love him.  This too shall pass.

  6. tell him if he wants to sleep in ur room he has to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag maybe that wont sound to fun and he will pick his bed over the floor and stay in bed or get a dream cather and tell him the story behind it and that might make him think no more bad dreams..

  7. I'm not going to make this long but it seems like you guys have been babying him way more than you should have in terms of sleep habits...he's only been sleeping by himself since he was 4? Proper sleep habits at a young age is beneficial...that being said he could be having some night terrors...has he said anything about dreams? He could also be having trouble with some kids at school....i've known children to start wetting the bed, not being able to sleep and even act out when that happens...perhaps make an apptmt with his teacher and talk to him about what i've mentioned...:)

    No need for the exclamation marks...if you don't explain then we assume...anyway my answer stands ....and by the way never say it will never happen...that's the most nieve thing i've ever heard.

  8. Sounds like poor fella is having nightmares about something! Some kids are just like that especially at age 7. I know I was like that for 3 yrs when I was little, but I had a good reason why. Have you asked him if he is scared of anything or if someone has done anything to him?? I know that's the worst accusation someone could make or even suggest but with the way this world is now-days anything is possible. Maybe talk to a therapist might help and find out what's causing him to have these little episodes. I hope you figure something out soon...

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