
Help! My sorority sister is a total *****!?

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My sister is a complete and total *****. She always has a snide comment to make at me, and she always has something to complain about when it comes to me. Not to mention, she's a total slob and I'm tired of cleaning up after her. Normally, people just tell me to ignore her or find a different roommate, but that isn't easy seeing as she is my sister, for life. And she doesn't treat others this way. I'm not even sure WHY she has it in for can I get her to back off without offending any of my other sisters?




  1. Sisters are sisters until you pay your own way

  2. Get your own apartment.

  3. This is a hard one. My first year in college, I lived with four roommates.  They were all fine with me except for one girl who would make nasty comments about me and would post notes on my door just to be a b****.  I made me alternately angry and then frustrated/depressed. What I learned was that once a girl decides that she doesn't like you, it usually stays that way unless you pull her out of some major crisis and she thinks she owes you. You can't really predict when this might happen, and if you look like you're trying to hard to make nice it will backfire on you.  The only way to get her to back off is to have her back when others who are supposedly her friends have kept her at arms distance.  

    All that being said, I would encourage you by saying that college doesn't last forever. These girls may be your "sisters" for life, but you'll soon find that only one or two of them (if that many) will even remotely be a part of your life in ten years.  I know you take pledges, oaths, whatever to be a part of sorority, and you can make great friends during these years. Just don't assume you have to put up with emotional abuse so that she remains your "sister" later in life. If it gets bad enough, just move out and move on. There's a big world out there, and you're only experiencing a small corner of it.

  4. Be straightforward. Tell her that you want to know why she has a problem with you because it is making you miserable, and you know that you two need to learn to live with eachother. Get everything out in the open in order to truly move forward. Good luck :)

  5. Don't they have an etiquette/honor board in your sorority?   They handle disputes.  She sounds like she is still in junior high.  

    DO NOT clean up after her.  

  6. you can't. you are screwed. unless you ask for a different sister. is that possible?

    seriously, u dont need that deutsch bag in your life. get a different sister. or quit the frickin' sorority. go make friends with some frat boys and attend their parties instead.

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