
Help! My year9 options have come up and i dont have a clue about what i am going to choose so please help!?

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Well where shall i start my options have come and it is time for me to decide what i want to do.But i need help because i want to be a dentist and i know exactly what to choose for that , i need a Deploma , seperate science and i.c.t but i am at an avarage level on them (level5) the thing is that there not the things i am good at and have a talent in like drama i got a level 6b in year 8 top of the class and i love geography but if i want to be a dentist then i cant have all that , and if i choose my dentist options then there will be no fun for me , i know a lot of adults say well if you want a job like that then thats life for ya but still please help what shall i do?!?




  1. You might change your mind alot, and not want to be a dentist after all, if you got top of the class in drama it would be a shame to let your talent go to waste, I chose subjects I enjoyed and was good at, you're still very young and could decided on something else with your own talents, explore other options first, what could you do with the subjects you like? Would one of them be more suitable and enjoyable?

  2. ask your parents, they know you better than us good luck?

  3. Is there not a way you can talk to a careers advisor?

    I spoke to mine (baring in mind I'm at college) and they said it doesnt matter at this stage what subjects you choose to do. What you are trying to achieve now is the best grade you can get so you can exchange them for UCAS points (if you are in the UK) to go to uni.

    I suggest do subjects you enjoy and that you are willing to work extra hard in - thats what I did and it ensured I had a good chance of getting into uni and the fact I enjoyed my lessons gave me motivation to continue through the years and pass my exams.

  4. This is very simple. Choose the subjects you enjoy if you choose the ones suitable for your job then there would be a chance you wont get the good grades. Theres too much pressure on GCSE's just choose the ones you are good at and enjoy! Then when you go to Uni they'll see that you have a better variety and have more space for learning than those who do only those subjects related to the job!


    Have fun!

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