
Help! Need some product recomendations for acne?

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I want my face to clear up! I hardly have issues with pimples unless it is that time of the month, maybe one or two small ones. Recently a ton of little ones have taken over and nothing I am using is helping. I wash daily and normally don't wear makeup to often and remove it when the day is over. Its awful being 25 with this many blemishes. any suggestions?

Normally use Noxzema and neutrogena face wash, nutmeg and milk scrubs and have been trying Proactive with no avail




  1. Products from Zenmed are the best for treating acne, pimples, zits or blackheads. I have used Zenmed's derma cleanse acne gel and found it  an amazing product for clearing facial acne fast. It's a completely natural product without any chemicals or substances that could cause harm to the skin and works fast to clear acne. Believe me, use it for two days and see the difference it makes in your skin condition. It's good to control and prevent breakouts due to oily skin. Apart from getting rid of acne and pimples, it also unclogs pores of impurities and reduces the swelling and redness that often accompanies acne and pimples. It's good to use if you have mild acne.

    If your acne is severe (all over the face), then instead of the gel go for the complete acne system "Derma Cleanse Acne System" which helps to remove acne from the roots as well as from the skin surface. The acne gel is a part of the system and also there is a facial cleanser and easy to swallow derma cleanse capsules. The capsules fight acne from the source and delay's its early re-occurrence.

    I would suggest you try the gel first, it should be helpful to clear your acne but in case if you see acne re-appearing in a weeks or months time, then go for the complete system.

    The complete system is priced at $100 and the gel is for $25, but you can get both for a much cheaper price using these coupons "dcPromo2008" for the acne system and 'zen4less' for the acne gel.

    Also for preventing and treating acne, you need to drink lots of water and avoid too much oily and junk food. Proper sleep and keeping the bowel and body clean of toxins surely helps in getting rid of acne and pimples.

  2. i use aveeno foaming soap, but sea breeze helps too

  3. I am having the same problem. When I was in middle school, i had terrible acne. When I hit high school my face just suddenly cleared up, and i had beautiful skin. Don't know why. And now, ever since i had my son, I get tiny breakouts here and there, and sometimes some large ones that makes me wear a hat lol. So I tried using benzyl peroxide, and it made my skin red and dry. Same thing with salycic acid. My face looked like it was sunburnt and was peeling, and worst of all it made the acne worse. The best thing i have found for me is simply to wash it twice a day, use toner and lotion, and absolutely do not pick anything. This is my biggest problem, I find the smallest blackhead on my face, squeeze the h**l out of it until it is the size of a baseball, and then the next day I wake up and there is 5 more surrounding it lol. You think with all the stuff scientists can do these days they would have already figured out a cure for acne.

  4. proactive :]

    hope i hellpd :]

  5. Hey,

    whatever you do, dont use products like Proactive, its very very harsh on your skin and strips your natural oils.

    I use Clinique. and its AMAZING. What you want to do is find your nearest Clinique shop and ask them which 3 step skin care will suit your skin. Trust me, it works miracles!

    hope i helped and good luck =)

  6. proactive hasn't worked for a single person i know. i used it for months before finally giving up.

    clindoxyl worked fantastically for me, you have to go get a prescription though (but that takes two seconds).

    if you don't want to get a prescription, i think the BEST thing to do is this simple regimen:

    -gentle cleanser with nothing harsh in it (cetaphil's good), cleaning very, very gently day and night for a short amount of time.

    -2.5% benzoyl peroxide (you can get this over the counter) in a THICK layer, more than it says on the bottle. i know this sounds like it would mess up your skin, but it's really fantastic and works fast. make sure it's 2.5% and not 5 or 10%, because it won't work properly.

    -a good, non-comedogenic moisturizer, since the benzoyl peroxide will dry your skin out quite a bit (i like cetaphil moisturizer as well)

    don't use scrubs, proactive, or anything harsh on your face. it will scratch away the top layer of your skin, making your acne more inflamed and postpone the healing process. feel free to wear makeup though, as long as it's non-comedogenic!! it'll say right on the bottle if it is.

    if you feel like you've tried everything, accutane clears it up completely. the downside is that it messes up your liver and kidneys, and could make you really sick. you have to get blood tests every month. i'd use it as a very last resort.

  7. The only thing I've ever used that has really worked for me is AcneFree.  You can get it at the grocery store or really anyplace that sells acne and face wash products.

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