
Help! Need to cure myself of hating p**n 0-0 its gettin stupid?

by Guest45367  |  earlier

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I had a boyfriend for 3 years who

*watched p**n

*had loads of p**n mags

*p**n on walls

he made me feel really crappy, he told me i should dye my hair blonde and loose weight to look like these girls.He told me no one would ever love me because i was ugly. Which led me to a suicide attempt.

I everntually left that relationship, but it left me very insecure and pretty much any image p**n related i get upset. Even a film with s*x scenes, i get kinda jelous. I still think why cant i look like these girls?? and why am i soo ugly.

I need help

I tried to get councling but it was guna take 7 months and i dnt have 7 months, it needs dealing with now.

Im fed up

Help me




  1. I am sorry you had to go through a bad relationship like. Maybe you should seriously think of continuing the counseling. Everyone is different and half of those girls in p**n are altered to make them look different. But you have to learn to accept yourself and know that you are beautiful. It will take sometime but if you are determined to get better than you will take all the time you need.

  2. Right. First off.

    That guy was a d**k less prick. Think of him has a erectile dysfunctional animal that required p**n to get him off. A loser.

    Now, secondly.

    Look at your body, do you really want to look like plastic?

    Then look at your own natural beauty. Think of the time before that guy. Think of what gave you confidence, then do it again. Change your look, go for something completely radical. Only you can make you happy, not fake images those women aren't real. You are real, people love and care about you. You need to treat yourself, make yourself feel special.

    But I do think you should do counselling, just to give yourself extra support. There is only so much advice we can give you, it is sensible to seek professional help as well, so that you have different sets of opinions so you truly know what to do, in a difficult situation.

  3. God

    that old boyfriend of yours sound like a right ****

    There is loads of types of pretty

    The p**n girls are just one type.

    never change yourself to fit what something thinks you should be

    theres someone out there that will defo like you the way you are

    I dont look anything like the blonde porno girls

    but i would never change to be like them

    they all look common anyways

    Its what your personality is like that matters

    if a guy goes out with "pretty girls"

    they will soon relise they have no personality and dump them!

  4. You're already online. Look for the type of p**n that turns you on and find other people that like it.

  5. There is no reason for you to tolerate p**n in your life.  The biggest problem with p**n is that (as you've described) men to have a poor opinion of all women, viewing them a s*x objects.  You should never tolerate a man who views p**n.  You should be the only woman your man sees naked.  That will make him appreciate you for all your good qualities.

    As for your feelings of insecurity, you need help building up your self esteem.  If you can't afford the counseling (time or money), take a piece of paper and on one side, write down all the good things about yourself.  Flip it over then write all the bad things about yourself.  Now turn it over (I know it only has two sides...) and reread your list of good things.  Reread this list every time you feel insecure or unappreciated or just crappy.  If you need help developing the "good" list, ask friends and family what they think and ask them to explain WHY.  That way, when you see it on the paper, you can think, "That is me" instead of, "That's what my friends think of me."

  6. there is someone out there who doesn't think your ugly :)

  7. edit...

  8. You need to get in your head your bf was an evil b*****d. That's not your fault.

    I bet no one thinks your ugly, and even if your not the prettiest of people doesn't mean you don't have to live in fear of someone thinking the same as your ex.

    Have you ever walked down the street and realised that someone was quite ugly but they had someone on there arm? He wouldn't of thought that woman was ugly because it's not just on the outside, it's on the inside that counts as well.

  9. You know why you can't look like those girls? Because they're fake. Everything about them is fake. Even the magazine pictures of fake girls they edit to make even more "better" (fake). Don't worry about it. That guy was a jerk. That he would actually say that to you means that he does not deserve you. Find yourself a good guy. And don't compare yourself to those women. Look around. How many girls do you see that actually look like that?

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