
Help Needed With Stimulus Check and Injured Spouse Claim?

by  |  earlier

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I am so fed up and I am hoping that someone out there has been through this situation and can help me.

My husband and I filed our taxes in January. We also filed an injured spouse claim because of my previous debt and student loans. We got our taxes back in February without a problem.

Now I was told that my stimulus check would be sent out on May 30th and then a week letter I received a letter from the Dept of Treasury saying that they took the entire $1500.00 rather than the half that they should have taken because I already had an injured spouse claim in.

I have talked to no less than 10 people, I have been disconnected, I have been told false statements, but all in all it comes down to the fact that they didn't process it and no one knows how to do it. I have asked for a referral to accts management as someone suggested and still no help - no one seems to be able to tell me what to do.

Is anyone going through this and know exactly how to fix this??




  1. I know it's frustrating, but please call the IRS again. Try 1-800-829-0922, which is the Accounts Management number. If an injured spouse claim was received the stimulus payment should indeed be split, but there are times when it isn't. There are specific procedures in place to get this fixed. If the representative doesn't know what to do, demand to speak to their manager.

  2. it's possible that they didn't process it - but not that nobody knows how to do it, there are tons of people who file injured spouse every year.  

    You could try calling the taxpayer advocate office at 877-777-4778

  3. call financial management services (fms) 1-800-304-3107.

    they're responsible for issuing and garnishing federal checks

    it's an automatic machine,press one for english,don't listen to the whole message afterwards just go on and press 2 to enter your ss #  so you can confirm and see if it's been taken,if it has hang up and call that # back and press one for english and they'll go through the menu and when the one comes up to speak to a operator press that # i forgot what # it is,then you'll be connected if it's not too late and their closed for says for all other inquiries press 5 .

    good luck,hope this helps

  4. Hi-

    This to has happened to me.

    I called the tax advocate that handled my injured spouse claim for this years taxes, and he informed me that there was nothing they could do that only IRS could fix this.

    Well 6 calls later, I finally got someone that knew what to do.

    The whole process takes 45 days, and you will get half of what you were entitled to.

    I know it takes forever to call but hang in there, and just ask for a manager.

    Hope this helps!

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