
Help! Never been pulled over. (no idea what to do)?

by  |  earlier

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I got pulled over for going 49 in a 30 zone and having an old vehicle registration. It abruptly changes from 45 to 30 in my defense, and I was lost in thought. -.-; I also have a new registration but I hadn't put it on yet. Anyhow, I'm trying to figure out how much I owe. Do I have to pay the court costs if I never go to court for it and just plead guilty or is that an automatic. We're talking the difference of 90 something dollars per violation for someone who makes 5.85 an hour. Is there any chance I can be forgiven the registration one if I prove I bought one before the ticket?




  1. A lot is going to depend on your state law. I'm in Calif.

    The speeding ticket is going to cost you. Here, you can go to traffic school (costs more) and avoid the points on your DMV record, if you haven't already done so recently.

    Here, paying the ticket is actually posting bail. If you pay before the court date but don't show up your bail is forfeited and that's the end of the case. The bail amount includes court costs and other  "assessments."  There is some chance of lowering that if you go to court I really depends on the judges.

    I got a ticket for not having current registration. The car was registered but I either didn't put the new yearly sticker on or someone removed it. The CHP officer was able to verify on the side of the freeway that registration was current. The ticket was a fix-it. I had to show that I had a replacement sticker applied. Total for the new sticker and court fee was less than $40

    It is still a violation for not displaying the registration, but the ticket was a lot cheaper than driving an unregistered vehicle.

    I've also seen judges dismiss or waive the fine on minor offenses like yours and only impose the fine for the most serious (most expensive) violation. For you, that's the speeding.

    Good luck

    Let me add, having seen some replies, you would only be entitled to a lawyer if you face a misdemeanor and could be sentenced to jail. Your charges are probably infractions-- fine only.

    The DA is the lawyer who would prosecute you if you had a trial. Not a lawyer to represent you.

  2. Was it that you had paid for the registration and hadnt received the sticker yet? Then you will be forgiven, but if you had already received it then it is law that it needs to be changed over as soon as you receive it, you cant have an old one on your car.

  3. well first take a deep breath and relax

    getting a ticket isnt the end of the world

    take your tickets with proof of your registration and go to the court on the date they told you to appear

    they will ask you if you want a lawyer or not - and if you can get the DA to represent you - which isnt a hard thing to do - then by all means say yes to wanting a lawyer

    and he or she will handle it for you

  4. Most likely. Go to your Clerk of Court Office. They will tell you who the D.A. is and if you can show proof of the registration it will most likely be dropped. The speeding ticket will probably stick.

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