
Help Now PLEASE!!!!!!

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My kitten just ate my brothers goldfish in half. Is it bad for the cat? Will the gold fish hurt its body? Help PLease NOW!!!!!!




  1. No, if it is an ordinary gold fish, it is ok for the cat. (Not good for the fish though)

  2. No honey, your kitty will be just fine, don't worry, I had to laugh when I read your question, one of my cats did the same thing, I had a beta in a bowl on the counter, and he literally fished him out and ate the whole fish!!! I'm not joking, I was mad at first but then I stopped and thought about what my cat had done, and I laughed my face off

  3. if the cat ate the bone of the fish i would bring it to the emergency room bones can not digest and can harm the cat servirly. the cat would need sergery. if it did not eat the bone just the skin i would watch the cat to see if it acts wird, if not it should be fine

  4. no it is very good for the cat my cat did is twice  its only bad for the fish.  

  5. Your cat will be fine.  If you only knew what your kitten has probably already eaten you'd really freak (they do chase and eat bugs in your house).  He will digest it all, and the stuff his body can't use will flush out in the natural way.

  6. Your kitten should be just fine. Cats eat fish in the wild. I would just suggest keeping any other fish where your kitten can't get to them in the future.

  7. no - the fish won't hurt your kitten - but your brother might.

    I suggest that you find a way to buy him another goldfish and get some screening or netting you can tie over the gold fish bowl so that your kitten can't do it again.

  8. No kitty will be fine good luck with your brother though

  9. Sorry, but i laughed. Silly kitty. It's okay, you're cat's fine... though the fish... not so much.

  10. it wont hurt the cat that is normal if it was in the wild it would be eating fish to survive  

  11. Your cat will be fine. Your brother's fish will not!  The kitten probably thought how cool is was to have a really fun toy.  Sorry about the fish.
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