
Help! OPEN! !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&?

by  |  earlier

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I did those symbols to catch ur attention. =D Ok well anyways. I'm goin to a water park on thursday and I don't know if I should wear my contacts or glasses. I could like put on goggles or sumtin if I wear my contacts. And i don't really want to wear my glasses cuz i dont want to like hold them or have someone else not go on a ride cuz they have to hold them. Wut should I do




  1. i wear contacts, no goggles. just never open your eyes in the water. and before you do open them, rub the water out of the way.

  2. Just wear your contacts - and wish for the best

    And bring an extra pair just if they happen to fall out

  3. the symbols caught my attention lol

    id say wear contacts. much easier

  4. Contacts, My mom's done it (i don't wear contacts), but she's said that they go to the back of your head when you go down the body slides.

  5. How bad is your vision? Can you take your glasses for the way there, and put them in a locker till you need them? I would not take contacts, too much trouble

  6. DO NOT wear the contacts unless you are keeping your goggles on. Every time you go under water and come up, you wipe the water out of your eyes and your contacts come out and fall in the pool. It's happened to me so I don't do that anymore.

  7. Just wear your contacts...theyre not gonna come out just close your eyes underwater and whenever water splashes in your face. Wearing glasses to a water park looks retarded and so do goggles.

  8. wear your contacts they are better for that sort of thing

  9. If your vision issue is so bad that you can't even see a hand in your face without them then go for the contacts but if you just need them for distance, reading, driving and or watching tv go without them, my rx is -1.75 in both eyes can't see far away but I'm willing to risk missing something to look

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