
Help! Opinions appreciated...

by  |  earlier

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I'm 11 dpo, have been ttc for a few months. I'm expecting my period in about 3 days so I'd rather not do a hpt yet because of the disappointment of a negative...just feeling strange and would like to get some opinions.

Strange cramps for about 5 or 6 days now and twinges

Very moody

b*****s are very very sore and a lot fuller (my fiance noticed immediately without me saying anything)

Different sleep patterns (up til 4 am, really tired/not tired etc)

* i don't usually have cramps that far in advance for my period, and slight breast tenderness is normal for me before my period but not to this extent and they usually don't get bigger like this

Is it too early to be feeling this way? Does it sound promising?

Thanks! 10pts for most helpful answer, all (serious) opinions appreciated!




  1. to me it sounds like you have a good chance of being pregnant, you can feel symptoms that early, exspecailly the sore b*****s. i understand why you dont want to take a test for the sake of disappointment and you are excited at the same time. so save the disappointment i would wait a couple more days to take a test. in my opinion i think you have a good chance of being happy and being pregnant but i dont want to make you more excited becuase i know the feeling of disappointment. i would give it some more time but the symptoms point in that direction.

    good luck! i hope this is finally it for you! :)

  2. All pregnancies are different and it seems like you have some symptoms of pregnancy.  The one sure sign is if you miss your period, and unfortunately, you will have to wait at least until the day your period is supposed to come to take a test, but you might even wait a week after that to take a test to see if you do miss your period.  Sometimes periods will come late, so you might could save money and wait a week after your period is supposed to come.  I would like to wish you the very best, and if you get a BFN, don't worry about it.  Keep trying!!  ~*~Baby Dust~*~

  3. You could definitely be pregnant!  Sounds very promising!  Take your temp, it is a low fever that is good too, that was my first sign for me.  Breast tenderness sounds like a good sign too!!!  Good luck!

  4. I am in the same boat. Af is due on the 15th. You are smart not testing yet because I tested today and got the dissapointed. But i'm not giving up hope yet. I also have had really wierd cramps, thats what makes me think I might be pregnant. I know woman on here say its too soon to have symptoms and I know af symptons are very similar to pregnancy ones but my cramps are way different than my pre-menstrual cramps. These cramps are much lower and more like shooting pains. My period cramps tend to be higher up in my belly and just kind of a constant ache. Hopefully this is our month, so good luck and baby dust to you, me and the rest of the ladies ttc!

  5. I kept getting cramps like I was going to start my period, had cramps, sore b***s the whole bit.  I didn't rally have the tiredness until my second month...but everybody is different!  Very big possibility you could be!  Make a doctors apt., have them run a blood test!  Good Luck!

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