
Help!!! Over protective mother!!!?

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Ok my mom is wayyyyyy to over protective!!! Ever since she heard about young girl getting raped she wont let me go anywere by myself! She htes it when i go to my friends houses!!! And i have to beg her to let me stay the night! And when i can stay the night, she always tells me not to go anywere! It goes sooo annoing




  1. Tell your mother this: Most rapes and kidnappings happen from someone the kid already KNOWS.  

  2. Tell her thats one reason it is good to have a cell phone, and that you feel your being punished for the actions of another, because you in fact have never raped anyone. you know that the world can be an unsafe place but you still need to be able to navigate on your own with in reason.

  3. My mom is the same way..its annoying, but she just wants to protect you.

    Haha..the other day i wanted to go to the movies with my friends and she was like no, it's dark and some guy might touch you.

  4. She loves you at least you know that she cares. but you should tell her that there comes an age that she kind of needs to lay off and give you some space.

  5. Your mom is just trying to protect you because she loves you. She's a good mom and you'll thank her one day.

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