
Help! PLEase! I bite my nails. How can i stop?

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I really need help! i have tried everything imaginable. What can I do? And it isn't something I am always know that I'm doing. I really need help, I want to stop. I bite them so badly, they have bled. Thanks soooo much




  1. Have you tried the nail polish that tastes bad?

  2. It is wonderful. You need help from all others for your bad habits. How can we help, when it is for you to stop biting your nails with bull dog determination. The provers goes "Habits die hard".

    Know the consequences. Know also well that by biting your nails, you are not going to enhance your personality. It looks odd if you bite your nails in the presence of somebody. Develop some sort of shame to do such things. It will help. But do not take my advice in bad spirits.

  3. I've bitten my nails for years. The yukky polish doesn't work - you soon get used to that. I did manage to stop for a while when I got engaged and needed respectable hands to show off my ring - so maybe you could treat yourself to some sort of ring that you would like to show to others.  Perhaps if you chew in your sleep, try wearing gloves to bed.

    Good luck.

  4. dip them in hot pepper

  5. Perhaps wearing gloves might help.

  6. Cut off your nails and wash your hands before do it. It would be stopped if you had another suitable behavior. :)

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