
Help! PLease GIRLS ONLY!?

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I'm really scared. I thinnk I may have started my period. I'm at my grandmas. But the "stuff" is more brown not redish. I havn't started my period yet and i dont know how to tell my mom cause she'll tell people. I would like it if only she knows and my best friend. Please Help! I am kinda scared




  1. listen

    yes your starting your period so just get alot of toilet paper and wrap it into ur panties if you have no pads and if your period starts getting red at your gramas make sure you use alot of toilet paper or pads and dont go in the pool or water and wear dark colored pants lack or navy blue so your pants never get stained with blood and if you get your panties stained then wash them out with COLD WATER trust me it helps and when you wipe yourself when you go to the bathroom  and throw out pads or stuff with blood on it wrap everything around with toilet paper so you cant see the blood and if your italian then yes italians think getting your period is something to throw a big party about but if you dont want anyone to know about your period except your mom then just do this

    - anaylze your relationship with your mom. do you think you can trust her with this secret? do you think she will tell anyone or do something stupid like scream out SWEETY I GOT A COUPON FOR PADS NEED SOME?( im italian and my mom did that in front of my grandma and i ran into a room and started crying)

    - if you dont think you can trust your mom then dont tell her unless your ready for other ppl to find out


    -never leave bloody stuff around for anyone to see

    (hide your bloody panties in a place no one will guess and wash them on your own time when theres no one in the house or wash them with cold water)

    - make sure if you go in the pool the water is cold becuz cold water hides blood but when you get out quickly hide your butt in a towel and run inside to get dressed

    - make sure your mom still has her period so you can use her pads

    and also use toilet paper(make sure the pad is completely full before getting another one becuz if your mom finds to many missing at once then she may get suspicous.

    - when your done with a pad or bloody anything wrap them around ALOT of toilet paper so you cant see any of the blood (MAKE SURE YOU DONT FLUSH ANY PADS OR PAD PLASTIC DOWN YOUR TOILET BECUZ  IT WILL GET CLOGGED)

    - if you ever stain your bed then take your sheets out and wash the blood away.

    - also offer to start taking out the trash from the bathrooms so your parents wont have a chance to look threw the garbage and try to put the garbage with the bloody stuff at the bottom.

    either way hiding a secret is hard when you live with people and theres alot of evidence to hide so plz just consider telling your mom and even if you cant trust her and if anything if she says she will keep your secret thats great!

    another tip

    - if you ever stay over a place or someone stays over for a while and if your mom is gonna be with and you have your period and someone asks if its your period says no its my moms and if someone ever asks your mom if you have your period just tell your mom to say no its mine not my daughters(this is just if someone sees blood in a toilet and thinks if its yours and if your moms with you)

    srry its sooooooooooooooooooooooooo long

    hope this helps

  2. that means its first starting..

    try to get a pad.or if there is a store nearbuy take like 3 dollars and go buy a bag of pads[[heavy]]

  3. it means that it is starting..(period)  take like 5 dollars and go buy some'll need them

  4. That definitely sounds like your period-it won't be red at first.

    Tell your mum-ask her not to tell anybody but remember that even if she does, it's nothing to be ashamed about! You have bcome a 'woman' now! Be proud! Maybe talk to your grandma about it first and ask her to speak to your mum-get her to tell your mum you're worried she will tell everyone.

    Oh and if she does tell your dad, brother and grandpa, make sure you're in the room because the embarassment on their faces would be something to see. Men don't like to think about these things!

  5. Yes honey it is your period. If you are close to your nan pull her to one side and say, "please don't tell anyone but i think i have started my period." If you aren't that close put some toliet paper in your knickers and tell your mum when you go home. I felt exactly like you and i was so scared to tell my mum and i thought she would tell everyone. So i wrote a note saying that i found blood in my knickers and dont tell anyone.  

  6. if you don't want to talk to your grandma, then ask to call your mom, and tell her in private. in the meantime, make a makeshift pad out of some toilet paper and use it until your mom can buy you some pads.

    yeah, you've started, by the way. i was the same way, i had just gotten to my nana's and we were going to chicago the next day!

  7. It's normal for period blood to be brownish sometimes mine is especially at the beginning of the period. When you tell your mom ask her very nicely not to tell ANYONE and that you want it to be a secret. She should listen, hopefully. Until you can get some pads wad up some toilet paper and put it in your panties.

  8. sounds like u have started hun :D

    don't worry about telling your mum, she'll probably be expecting it!

    fraid mums do like to natter a bit, my mum told the world and his wife when i started! just try telling her you really don't want anyone else to know and hopefully she won't tell anyone!


  9. Mine started about 2 weeks ago and no one was home when it started and it was brownish too.

    but i found some pads i had in a pocket book and just used it. i only told my best friend till she encouraged me to tell my mom. so i did.

    it wasnt the worst.

    tell your grandma if she has any......and if she doesnt ask to go to the store and buy some. Also tell your grandma not to tell anyone if u dont want her too.

    They went through it too so dont be scared

  10. its normal for it to start out brown. dont freak out. =]

    just talk to your mom and tell her not to tell anyone.. and tell her how you feel.

  11. just try not to worry just tell your grandma that you started your period and can she take you to the store to buy pads

  12. first calm down.go to your grandma or an adult you trust.tell them and tell them not to tell.they will help you trust me.they will help you and guid you through it

  13. It sounds as though you have, and as far as the answer giving you tips on how to hide it......ignore that. You should not have to feel as though you need to hide a perfectly natural thing. Yeah, maybe considerate as far as disposing of your used items, but hiding it is dumb.

    Just tell your mom, then she can help you get the things you need and tell you what to expect. I know when you are younger it can seem embarassing and not wanting your mom to tell other people. But really it isn't a big deal, all women have their periods and don't be embarassed or ashamed ok?

  14. Yes, it sounds as if you have started.

    Don't panic! And tell your grandma, or your mum. So what if she tells people? Everyone starts. Most people probably assume you've started already. And you'l get far, FAR less teased if you can grit your teeth and say "yeah, and?" when someone spots that you have towels in your bag at school or something.

    Big hug - we've all been there. Even your mum and your gran. Go tell them now, and you'll most likely get a hug and the tale of how they started themselves.

  15. it sounds like you have had a show. its a sign that you are going to be having regular periods really soon , and when you do the blood will be redder , speak with your grandma let her know what has happened  and she will help u find a way to tell your mum, im sure you can trust your grandma after all she is your mums or dads mum eh . but dont panic all will be fine . and im sure if you tell your mum how you feel im sure she wont tell anyone its a very private thing isnt it, your mum must understand this as she has them herself.  

  16. Don't worry. Tell your mum not to tell anyone. That's what I did and I never told my friends until half a year later. (my mum blabbed to my dad) I was 11 when I started and I was the only one so it was really embarrassing. When I was 12 and told people everyone else seemed to have started too so it was fine. Don't worry :)

    Also tell your grandma, she won't tell I don't think, tell her not to. She'll understand, she's a woman herself ( i should hope!)  so it's happened to her once too!

  17. Okay so, calm down silly, periods are usually looking more brown than red, its normal, and tell your mom, so you can pick out which is right for you, tampons or pads, and dont be scared, :] *hug*

  18. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  19. the same thing happent to me when i started. dont worry, just wear panty liners, up intill it gets really serious. If you have nothing with you, just let your gramma know, she was your age once, and will help you out.

    **Keep an eye out for pads for urine loss, if your grandmother has that problem, but most elders have those just in case.

    My mom is the same way. just let her know, but make it clear you want it private.

    My mom ended up telling my dad. but i think our rents need to know these things.

    good luck!

  20. i didnt have to worry about my mum or dad saying anythin coz they coodnt give a d**n, but i was reely embarrassed when i started, && i told my big sis, but i realised its nuthin to be embarrassed about when i realised most of my mates had theirs anyway

  21. Buy some pads. quick!

    or use some toilet paper until you get home.

    it works wonders!

    best of luck


  22. Don't be embarrassed about starting your period.  Every women has to go through it.  Just tell you mom that you started and that you would like her to not tell anyone.  More than likely, she will respect your wishes because that just isn't something you go around telling people.  Good luck.

  23. Just call your mom and tell her, and ask her to keep it on the down low for a while, but you shouldnt be ashamed of your period(you started it :\)

  24. You have just started your period, get some pads if you don't  have any.  then when your with your mom tell her you started your period.  she is probaby waiting for you to tell her sometime your getting to that age.  It is normal for moms to  talk about their children espically at work, so just ask her to keep this between the two of you right now since you need some time to get use to your changing body, I think she will understand.  Don;t be scared this is just one of the changes your body goes through.  welcome to womenhood.

  25. Tell your grandma and have her take you to the store.

    And when the supply that she buys you runs out, and you have to tell your mom, tell her you started a month ago, but you weren't comfortable telling her because you felt it would get out to a lot of people, and that since you're telling her now, you expect her to please keep it to herself

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