
Help? Party gone wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I invited like 20 people round, everything was great and I knew everyone. In the course of the party somebody went into the garage and took EVERY piece of alcohol to either drink it or took it. I have asked everyone but people have said that they ran out of drink and thought it was okay to steal "two or three" even though about thirty units are missing.

My parents want me to pay for the drink, in which I am completely broke. What action should I take.. if there is any?




  1. There isn't much you can do other than learn from it. Realize these ppl are not your friends. Some of them might be but you have to learn who you can trust. Also... you might just have to work and pay for it. How old are you? I'm guessing your parents are pretty upset. Aplogize to them and tell them you are going to work to get the money and that you have learned a lesson.

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