
Help?? Period?? Or Pregnant??

by  |  earlier

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I started my period today by the way and now it is starting to look normal.. like a normal period... And my cramps are starting to kick in.. But I went in the bread store today and it made me wanna hurl.. So I dont know.




  1. probably pregnant

  2. Just go buy a pregnancy test, they're not that expensive.

  3. Go to Planned Parenthood or buy an OTC pregnancy test.

    That's really the only way you can know for sure.

  4. get it checked out you have a chance of being prego  

  5. Take a pregnancy test, that could eliminate one thing and then you could go thru the rest of your options.  

    Good Luck!

  6. There is a possibility you could be pregnant.  When I was pregnant with my first child I actually had a normal period the first month.

      Of course, this period of yours is more like spotting, which could mean implantation bleeding. Tough call. I would say, take a test!!!

  7. pregnant

  8. go to your local clinic now to get tested.  all periods are different.  hurry before its too late.  

  9. You are pregnant. everyone has a different period flow and if yours is not going the way it should then you are pregnant. you should not be gaining weight during period and you shouldn't be dizzy during you're period. i say go to a doctor and tell him everything that you just said. take a few pregnancy tests. that should help.

  10. i think ur pregnant. the period you had sounds like implantation bleeding which is really light compared to your normal period [like spotting] and doesnt really have cramping. it can come around the time of your expected period...and youre having pregnancy symptoms...take a hpt. good luck hun.

  11. that sounds like you're pregnant.

    you need to take a test, and and go to the doctor.

    If you arent pregnant, you could be just worrying about it too much, and stressing over it, that also can make your period come way early or way late. Always happens to me.

  12. Take a test

  13. well its a period becuase you do NOT have periods when you are pregnant...

  14. This is not normal at all,Take a pregnancy test and just to be sure see your doctor.

  15. Fatigue, sore or tender b*****s, cramps, abdominal pains, dizziness, and an increase in appetite can all be signs of both an oncoming period and pregnancy, along with other things. Spotting is often seen with pregnancies, and sometimes during regular menstrual cycles. If these signs are not consistent with your menstrual cycle, then it MAY be pregnancy.

    Unprotected s*x at any time during your cycle (even during your period) may lead to pregnancy. Take a home pregnancy test and make an appointment with your doctor, if this is really abnormal for you.

    If you are worried about pregnancy, in the future, always use protection, not only to protect yourself from pregnancy, but also to protect yourself from STDs.

  16. Well obviously expect that your pregnant.  If your showing signs, and you had unprotected s*x then you just answered your own question...  Go to the store and buy a pregnancy test.  Go to a medical center and have them test you.  Congratulations! You have something living inside you.  Think twice before you kill something you conceived out of making an irresponsible action, he/she could grow up to cure cancer.  That is, unless you wanted the baby.  Then congratulations!  

  17. if you think your pregnant you should go out and get a pregnancy test. you could have your period still even if your pregnant. or your body is just changing....periods do not stay the same forever

  18. you may not be take the pregnancy tests

  19. I would take a HPT to make sure.  It sounds like you may be and you may be experiencing implantation bleeding.

  20. Sounds closer to pregnancy to me.

    Take a pregnancy test.

  21. 1. Take a pregnancy test.  

    2. Keep your legs shut.

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