
Help! Physics problem, position vs. time graph?

by  |  earlier

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I have to create a position vs. time graph for the following motion:

1. the object moves along a line in 1D motion, it moves in the +x direction for 2 seconds at a constant rate

2. the object stops and stays at rest for 1 second

3. it then accelerates in the -x direction with a constant acceleration for 2 seconds, during which time it has a displacement of -3.0m

I'm fine with steps 1 and 2 but #3 is confusing me. what would that part of the graph look like?




  1. Movement number 3 would be the right half of a downward curved parabola - starting horizonatal, then curving down, going, in all, two seconds in the time dimension and down three meters in the x dimension.

  2. Constant acceleration produces a parabolic time graph.

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