
Help!! Please....A group of people are harrassing me at work.?

by  |  earlier

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These people have lied about me and set me up to fail, now management think i am aproblem because of the lies. I think they are investigating me and i might lose my job, my home and my life. What can i do.





  1. The best thing for you to do is pull your manager to one side one on one and tell him what is going on. And hopefully he will believe you.

    If your still going to be having a problem because your manager is not believing you, I would talk to the boss of the company and tell him what is going on, because it's not right and in the end you are going to lose your job. I hope i have helped you and good luck.

    If losing your job was not the case i would say beat the S**t out of them..

  2. Assassinate them

  3. Buy a voice recorder and attach it to the phone, keep copies of all of your mail, be honest. Annotate all in paper.  

  4. Go to your Manager and explain what is happening?

    He should ask you to make a written statement and follow up your complaints...Have you any proof this is going on?

    If your not happy with your Managers comments I suggest you tell him you are taking this higher and put a wriiten complaint in to his Manager.

    Short of that if your Company doesnt do anything to stop these bullies tell your Manager that you will be seeking help from an Industrial Tribunal over it....Good Luck....Dont let them grind you down and stand up for your rights.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that.  A very good friend of mine went through something similiar and he had a very cut-throat job in a corporate environment.  He wound up quitting himself than having to deal with the BS of upper-management.  In your case, ride it out and see how it goes.  Even if the whole office lies about you,  you are entitled to defend yourself.  If your management thinks you're not good enough based on a bunch of lies then you're better off finding another job where you don't have to deal with this.  I'm confused as to why they're investigating you (they must of told some pretty horrible lies).  You have the right to a lawyer because this whole situation sounds just awful.  My friend (who went through something similiar) quit on his own and now he's in a much better job position and enjoys his life.  Whatever happens, defend yourself till the end.  YOU know you were set up so speak up and fight these people off!  I wish you all the best.

    Good luck and God bless.

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