
Help Please Hammy!!!?

by  |  earlier

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She was in with a male and two of her four nipples are swollen i asked that quuestion and alot of people said she was pregnant and i seperated her from the male she is in her house and nest and breathing fast is she in labor??If so how long does labor last i know i asked this question a day ago but only two people answered and they were completly against what tne other person said so please help she has been cleaning her butt alot and is carefresh bedding to fluffy for her and her babies Is she in labor??




  1. ok i think sheis in labor

    labor usualy lasts 1 hour and usualy in night

    ok wat to do:

    Dont disturb her

    leave her a nest

    leave her a towel moist is perfect

    leave her food and water

    if you follow all these directions she will be fine

  2. possibly but dont worry they usually know how to take care of themselves pretty well. whatever you do,do not touch the babies when they are born for at least two weeks. if she senses that you have,she will eat them so be careful. dont even clean the cage just let her be and im sure everything will be fine

  3. Your hamster is probably pregnant. Check up on your hamster in one hour. Listen to hear any squeaking. If you hear any squeaking, then your hamster had babies. Do not touch the hamster pups until 2 weeks and when the babies are eating solid food, have fur, and their eyes are open. If you touch the pups before this time, the mother might kill or abandon her pups. Hope this helps.

  4. Do not touch the mother or the babies. If you see dirty bedding leave it. She will probably push it away... but give her a lot and I mean a lot of bedding, and also give her enough food so she won't be hungry and a lot of water to drink. keep the cage far apart from stressful things that may make her stressed and in her attempt to save the pups from any "harm" and to save herself she might eat them (other pets, noises, uncommon smells, too much sunlight). Keep  the cage in a well ventilated area with comfortable room temperature. Provide the hammy with proteins and if you want you can take distractions (like exercise wheels or mazes ) or things that may harm the pups.

  5. 5 days. Be careful. Never touch the babies or the mom will eat them. Dont take them from their mom. The mom knows best. Use care fresh and let her make a nest.

  6. Ok, the same thing just happened to me two weeks ago. She is in labor, but don't panic. Go get a roll of un-scented toilet paper and put it in the cage. Leave the mom alone. She will tear up the TP and make a nest out of it. Dont mess with her. Only to put food in the cage. In about two weeks you can touch the babies. At 3-4 weeks, they need to be seperated from the mother so that they don't mate again. Put them in cages according to their s*x. Females in one box and males in another. Around 6 weeks you can sell them. That is when they start to fight and each little hammy needs its own cage. The mom can have anywhere from  3-20 pups. Good luck!
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