
Help Please I my dad needs someone's Help?

by  |  earlier

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Okay my dad is disabled and he had a power-chair but it was recently stolen he has a a police report to state it was stolen Medicare and Medicaid will not pay even though he has both insurances I am his son I am fourteen and I really need help to find him a power-chair at little to no expenses to me or my dad Please help and do not get smart or put a nasty comment because this is real life Thanks




  1. salvation army church groups. try used section in paper. call legal aid bout the ins. co.

    mda association.

  2. The social worker assigned to his case at the Dept. of Human Services should be able to help your father get another power-chair.  It might take several weeks but if he has a valid need then it will be replaced.

  3. I would start by asking local churches for help. They're always willing to help people in need. Also, you could just flat out ask for donations to help out. It may sound desperate, but what else are you supposed to do? For being fourteen, you seem like a pretty good kid, getting on here and asking for help and all. How about your school?? maybe they could help with donations? I really hope you can get help soon, I'll be praying for you guys. best of luck

  4. I would definitely call Legal Aid and and ask them what you can possibly do?  I am so sorry about your situation.  Your father must be so proud to have such a loving, take-charge son!  Another idea would be to ask your church for help, if you are a member of a church.  Often times they are more than willing to set up a donation fund for people in need.  The best scenario would be for the police to catch the creep who stole the power chair in the first place and return it to your father.  Who would do such a thing?!?  Good luck, dear.

  5. Are talking about a powered wheel chair or one of the electric scooters?

    As for the power chair did the insurance pay for the first one? It would help to know which one as to tell you what you could do. I would get in touch with the company who helps him if he has hospital bed and such and regular wheel chairs. I do know that medicare won't pay for one to (scooter) to ride out side but will for an inside one. Social workers can help you out and guide you in the right direction. I am so sorry to hear that it was stolen. There are a lot of people who are so rude to the handicapped people. I know of once case a little boy had motorized wheelchair special built one and someone had stolen it. I think donations were taken up to help them. It was really sad. Good Luck.....and let us know somehow if you get one. Another thought here was your dad disabled due to service related injury? If he was VA would help him.

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