
Help Please! I really need some advice. ?

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You see, I have an aunt who is...L*****n. The first thing is, I am a devoted Catholic, and yet I love my aunt. Am I doing wrong to God by loving her? cousin. She has just turned twelve, and it's tearing her up all of the time. I see her cry at night when we visit each other and her mom is not there...I see her ball her fists in anger when people make g*y jokes or hide away alone, hurting, when the issue comes up on tv-how she can never tell her friends, she lies to them... how afraid she is of being ridiculed, how she sometimes hates her mother for doing this. We are very close, and close in age as well, only about a year's difference, and, well, it hurts me too. How my father makes fun of her mom's partner, how my siblings hate her partner, how my whole family turns their back on it...and to make things worse, my other cousin abandoned, sued, and ignored them before dropping out of college and running off with some boy, then returning to freeload off of them. I've never been able to bring myself to talk about it before, and I'm scared of what it's doing to me and her. Advice, please? Thank you so much and God bless to all of you.




  1. God loves your aunt too, it can't be wrong to love her. Her choices are hers. God lets her make her own choices, so should the rest of your family. But they still have the right to their opinion. Some day they will all either accept it or completely reject her. Nothing you can do will change it. They have their opinions, you have yours. These are normal conflicts in situations like that. I feel bad for your cousin too. Talking to them about it will probably not change how they feel. Leave it alone, don't make it worse, it will do what it does. Get a T-shirt or poster with the definition of the word bigot.

    big·ot [bíggət]

    (plural big·ots)


    intolerant person: somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views  

  2. Nope you are doing God right for loving her.  You should love everybody even if they are the worst people. It's in the bible.  Anyways, All you can do is pray to God he will fix this. I promise you that.  Ad ask him to help you get through this.

    God bless

  3. No, your not doing God wrong by loving her. Remember, Jesus loves everyone.

  4. Sweetie, just because your aunt is a L*****n, does NOT mean she's bad, or wrong. Or that you're wrong to love her. Remember in the Bible, God tells us to Love thy Neighbor.  It doesn't just mean love those who live next door to you, but to love ALL people.

    Wrong are those who make those twisted jokes, not caring of the people who they hurt with their words. Wrong is those who hate what they do not understand. Neither God, nor the church tells us at ANY time is it ok to be hating on anyone for any reason! God is about love, and acceptance. So your parents, and siblings are wrong in what they do. While you're doing just what God intended, showing unconditional love for your aunt.

    Besides, is you're Aunt really different now that you know she is g*y than she was before you know? I doubt it.

    You can bet this isn't something she woke up one day and decided "to do to her family". I know many g*y men and women, and most of them all say the same thing, if they had a choice in who they loved, they would have chosen differently so that their lives would have been slightly easier, so that they would be more accepted in society.

    I say... embrace your Aunt for who she is, as she is still the same Aunt you have known and loved your entire life, just with a different partner than you're normally use to. Give her the acceptance the rest of the family can't bring themselves to give.. I'm sure she'll be grateful for it.

    As for your cousin, there ARE support groups available for children with g*y or L*****n parents. Groups of children who like them, know how cruel the world can be to anything different than what some idiots think is "normal". Kids, who like her, just need someone to understand. I would highly suggest looking into finding her one of these groups. It will help her loads in understanding what is going on within her family. You can possibly even go too. To support her, and to learn more yourself.

    Stay strong, and pray for those who are too blind to see that your aunt is no different now, than she would be were she to be dating a man. That she too, deserves to be happy, and love who she has fallen in love with.

  5. god made us perfect and he made us like we are for some reason and we sometimes, not understand, theres nothing wrong by loving your aunt or anybody else cause at the end is well, love

    about your cousin, she needs to understand what other people thinks and respect it (that doesnt mean accept it) and she is gonna find people that will try to get her down by making jokes or creepy comments but best thing you and her can do is just ignoring them

    the other cousin chose that life and you need to hope that she is gonna be fine

  6. You are not doing God wrong, or doing anything wrong by loving your aunt.  God teaches to love people.

    I am saddened for your cousin.  It is sad that people talk the way they do and do not know ( or apparently care ) who they are hurting.  It is terrible that people express some of the attitudes that they do.

    All that you can do is love your aunt, your cousin and be there for them.  Learn to live with and somehow overlook the backward, prejudiced attitudes that some people express.  In time you will be able to live on your own and not be forced to continually endure these attitudes.


  7. I think you should tell your family that them making fun of your aunt is VERY rude.  It's her way of life, and it's a great thing that she isn't afraid of it. Your cousin should be proud to have a mom as strong as her, not angry.  Of course their are g*y jokes EVERYWHERE today, and you guys are just going to have to deal with it. Sadly, it's not going to stop. But that doesnt mean you have to let it soak in. Just explain that someone in your family is a L*****n, and you find it offensive. Most people understand.

    Your family should be proud of your aunt.

    Hope this helps and good luck!


  8. Do you think God would be proud of the fact that you would turn your back on your own blood? It's not like she is a serial killer or something. Tell your cousin that you love her frequently, and just give her a hug.

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