
Help Please MOODS?

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i think i'm 6 weeks prego and i'm having problems with getting mad at my boyfreind... does anyone have any think to help me




  1. LOL explain to him everything and that mood swings happen and the best thing is try and deal with you. LOL my hubby will not agree with me but will give me 5 mins to calm down and gives him self time to think about what to say not to upset me. when I really cant stand my hubby or am buggin out I take a shower or bath. It helps so much. Not to hot your skin can not turn red or it is to hot and can cause damage to the baby. Also make it a bonding time with you BF ask him what he is willing to do and not to do for you. Mine paints my toes (and his to get me laughing) takes me for pedicures, Rubs my feet, gives me a bath, and has told me he will shave my legs when I can do it. You will feel better if you know how far he is willing to go.

  2. Okay, well first of all, you think you are pregnant or are you? lol If you don't know, go see a doctor first off...

    If you know you are...thats just normal...hormones love! Try to control it by letting him know ahead of time the things that irritate you the most...that way he can try to avoid doing those things.

    Try your best to control your temper...exercising helps, surprisingly!


  3. oh sweetie good luck! lol When ever im pregnant (4 times total, 2 miscarrages) my husband says im a total bit*ch! My best advise is if u feel moody get a sign hang it on ur bedroom door and lock urself inside! I always felt better after i layed down by myself and took a nap or read or watched soom TV.... my husband learned to leave me alone... and ur boyfriend will have to realize ur hormones are going CRAZY and u cant help it.... good luck!

  4. its at times understood but on his behalf, try to contain yrself. just take him positively
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