
Help Please!! My son is having issues at school?

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My kids are in a new school this year. There have been miner complaints all along. In January my son (gr. 4) started having problems with another boy in his class. This boy was harrassing and taunting my son,and eventually they were getting into physical confrontations. My son finally retaliated and stood up for himself, and end up at the principle's office. This went 2or 3 times a week until I finally went down there to talk in person. I was told that the other boy was a "problem student" but he was moving away Feb. 2. He didn't move and now not only is my son having problems with this kid so is my daughter (12 yr). I'm stongly leaning towards having my kids transfered back to the other school. What do you think I should do?




  1. Get them out.  Schools have no nerve and bullys win.  h**l with them./

  2. the school is not allowed to let the bully torture  your child... I would take them out and put them back in the other school.. I would stand ground with the school.. let them know it is unacceptable to allow this to  happen . maybe a threaten with an attorney would make a change.. this is something that needs to change in every school in America.. Dr Phil is having a show this week on a boy that was bullied and the parents are taking the school or the boys family to court.  maybe that show can give you some ideas on how to handle this situation.. good luck...

  3. As amom I know your first instinct is to remove them from the situation but at the same time if you do then you are in away teaching them they can run from their problems.  It is time to call a meeting with the superintendant, principle, teacher and the other kids parents.  Let it be known that you dont care if he is a problem child the problem for you is he is bullying your children and it is affecting them to the point they dont even ant to come to school anymore and if something isnt done then you will have no choice but to contact an attorney because the school is refusing to guarantee your childs safety and education.  At that point if they are smart they will all start working out a plan to stop he problem and if the other boy really is a problem child then they can get him the help he needs.  If they refuse and nothing changes then call an attorney and move the kids to the other school and sue the pants of of them.  I do not believe in all the stupid lawsuits but until you stand up to the school they are going to keep making it your problem and not theirs even though they are the ones there and you are not.

  4. Being a new kid in a school or in a neighborhood takes time and adjustment. Is there a child who would be friendly with your son and/or daughter so that they aren't isolated. Bullies with often target the isolated child because there's least resistance. A private meeting with your children's teacher might help get them involved with some nice kids.

    When I had a similar problem years ago (a bully was stealing my child's lunch) and the principal seemed helpless to do anything, I went directly, (and in a non-confrontational way) to the problem child's parent, even so far as to inviting him to a supervised play date.)

    Hope this helps

  5. I would be at that school until somethign was done.If the prinicpal isnt doing anything go to the superintendent and if he doesnt go over his head.It is NOT ok for your child to be bullied and the schoolnot do anything.

  6. i feel the best way to deal with the situation is to meet and have a discussion with the principal on this issue and if possible can the teacher intervene and keep close watch as well! if not then definitely changing the school is worth considering as what we want is our children to develop healthy habits and personality in school! But before u do so...don't forget to explain the reason for this step to your children explaining them that they are in no way at fault! So that they don't suffer any confusion mentally!

    Good luck!

  7. you should keep them in that school call the other boys parents. Just wait this sounds mean just let the boy get into a fight with him and put both your kids in Judo they will shurly(SP) win

  8. you cant just keep moving your children away from problems they will have to deal w/ people like this their whole lives and wont always be able to just "GO" somewhere else ya know

  9. This is what a mother did in our Public School and worked. She filed a complaint at the Police Station, with that copy, she entered the Board of Education office of our district and two month afterwards, this boy was transferred to another school. This is the only way ! Good luck !

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