
Help Please! Song concept ideas?

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Can you give me three song concept ideas that you would like a song to be about?

I write songs and just need some concept ideas. Here are some that I am in the process of writing and kind of an example of what I am asking.

1) Summer is coming to an end and two people who fell in love over the summer are having to go their own ways and are looking back on the memories they made.

2) Going to a party in front of an ex-boyfriend to show him that you are fine without him.

3) Where every song you hear reminds you of someone and you dont want to be thinking about them.

If you can help..thanks!




  1. A fantasy world

  2. I guess you could write about my situation where this guy likes me but I don't really like him back and how you feel bad and stuff? But all of your ideas are really good.

  3. I agree with MRS.JONAS<3 i like her idea becuase thats exactly what im going throught u should definitly go with that idea and then send me a haha go to my profile and u can email me!!! this is what she said...

    You see this guy everyday at school. And you really like him and want him. But he is with someone else and only talks to you once in a while. You think about him all the time. He is the person you see everywhere and the person you dream about. But you can't be with him.

    thx.... maybe

  4. I love all of your concepts, but #1 & 2 especially.

    Other ideas:

    One of the songs I;m trying to finish is a woman singing about knowing that her man cheats but still not being able to stop herself going back to him.

    An older person looking back over their years of unhappy marriage/unhappy relationship and thinking back to someone they knew when they were young. Someone they could have been happy with, but they chose the wrong path and it was all too late.

    Waiting in a place and knowing you've been stood up.

  5. how about how people seem to use religion as an excuse for everything, or how people are so into life tht sometimes it seems like they forget tht it has an ending, and tht they shld be good and do well,

    or how anger destroys everything,

    or about the simple importance of peace, and the consequences of war  

  6. 1. Its hard to see him over you when he still has your heart.

    2. Its hard to kill lonlieness by yourself.

    3. You're not going to be sad forever.

  7. sorry, i can't think of any right off the top of my head. i write songs too. i always find it easiest to write about things that are so very real to me that bring out all this extra emotion and passion. i know it's a good idea if it makes me want to throw something in anger or burst into tears. All the emotion bleeds through into the lyrics. it makes the song much more powerful and easy to connect with. For example i just recently finished a song about the war we are in, in iraq. it's called "Wrong Fight". it's kind of written like a letter to the president telling him to wake up and start doing something about it.

    well i hope that helped, sorry if it didn't that's the best i could do. Good luck!!  

  8. a dude likes you and wants to date you, but you need to make sure he's legit before he can have your heart?


  9. can i be ur drummer

  10. First of all I LOVE your ideas so far!! I have an idea for a song.

    You see this guy everyday at school. And you really like him and want him. But he is with someone else and only talks to you once in a while. You think about him all the time. He is the person you see everywhere and the person you dream about. But you can't be with him.  

  11. your in love with your friend. but they already have a bf/gf.

    a song explaining all the nerves you get when you meet "the boy of your dreams" =]

    hehe, hope i helped.

  12. first of all let me sayy that i lovee  1 & 3.

    i thinkk a good song would be you like this boy, but he happens to be your best friends boyfriend, & then he trys to flirt with you & you start to give in & your best friend finds out & then you pretend to fall for him & in the end hes the one that gets playeddd.

    something interesting like thatt[:

    i likee to write poemss.

  13. i like the first and 3rd one! it sounds cool! plz help, im looking for song ideas and/or a songwriter...are u intersested? lol

  14. i like 1

    some ideas:

    i remember when......

    we used to..... but now its over for good.....

    i always see you......

    but in the end.........

    its just what happened.......

    in that summer.......

  15. i love song concept # 3!!!!! that would be an amazing song. sounds like taylor swift would sing it. haha but anyway, i was thinking about a song about how all the stuff in your life just collapsed and your trying to pick it all up and put it back together. the name of the song is skittles on the floor. i got the idea from spilling skittles on the floor. (= and also i was thinking about a song called road block to my dreams. it would be about someone who was stopping you from accomplishing your dreams. hope i helped.

  16. Sing about you getting pregnant with a guy's baby, and then sing about raising him/her to be a great person.

  17. a happy time in your childhood

    Summer memories

    About women being strong

  18. I like the 3rd concept alot, because I can relate to that. I personally love to write songs and these are the things that I tend to write about.

    1)Being in love w/your best(guy) friend(Sadly, I am lolz)

    2)Being cheated on(I've never been cheated on but it works)

    3)Moving on over a tough breakup

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