
Help.. Please? (friends)?

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Ok, so I have this friend.. lets call her Jane. Jane is my best friend. But sometimes Jane can be a little catty... but i usually just let it go, its not worth getting into a fight over. I also have these other friends.. lets call them 1, 2, and 3. Whenever i'm with 1, 2, and 3, they always say mean stuff about Jane.. and i'm feeling really bad, because sometimes i join in when i'm especially mad. I want to save all of my friendships.. with minimal damage. help? thanks.




  1. yea... thats what happened to me. But this is what i do.  I ignore the bad stuff the talk about.

  2. Wow! I was in the same situation! Everyone secretly talked behind each other's backs. Then when I was with one person I'd say something mean about another person, but when I was with the other person I'd say something mean about the first.

    Obviously none of them are real friends. A good way to make this stop is to just defend your friends. Defend Jane with 1, 2, and 3. When your with Jane, defend 1,2, and 3. They will stop when they realize you don't like it.


  3. wow dude

    this reminds me of my freshman year


    just tell your 1 2 and 3 friends to stop talking c**p about her

    if they dont then just dont talk c**p about her when your mad

    cuz 1 2 or 3 might tell her that you talked c**p too

    and then jane will get upset and itll ruin your friendship

    hope i helped :]

  4. Just when one of them talks trash about another one. Ingore them don't join in (even if you want to) Otherwises your going to ruin a friendship. If you don't join in your on both sides.  

  5. first, tell jane about the firends if u feel comfortable with that. tell jane that she CAN be catty sometimes. but when ure with 1, 2, and 3, when theyre talking about jane, just be like yeah, so anyways, and change the subject. or just be like mmmm.... whatever

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