
Help! Please.?

by Guest62083  |  earlier

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Iam 9weeks and 6days. I had a scan on the 13th of June and then i was 8weeks. Im abit confused about what im reading.Its says that if the scan says im 6 weeks( thats 4 weeks since conception) if im 8 weeks (6 weeks since conception) I dont really understand this.

My period started on the 13th and ended on the 17th of April and going by the scan on the 13th of June that sed i was 8weeks means i conceived maybe a day after my period. Even tho i THINK i know wen conception was..because the scan sed 8weeks and 8 weeks from then was 18th of April Wen did i actually conceive? This is so confusing. Im 9 weeks 6 days now..wen did i actually conceive...9 weeks n 6 days ago..which would be April the 18th.....or 7 weeks n 6 days ago...which would mean 8th May??

I dont really understand this so by conceive i mean actually had s*x on that day and it made me pregnant.?

And because I had a scan at 8 weeks could it have been wrong by 2 weeks and I was really 6? Sorry im a pain...jus abit confused




  1. When I got pregnant I thought I was two weeks farther than I was. I went to the doc and she said I was only 6 weeks(based on an ultrasound scan.. I contribute this to my irregular periods. You could have ovulated later than you normally do. Dont worry.

  2. ok I'm going to try to explain this to you.

    1.pregnancy is 40 weeks long going by your last menstrual period. In actuality you are only truly pregnant for 38 weeks.

    2.when you conceived is the day that the sperm and the egg met and started forming the baby. and no you don't have to have s*x on the day you conceived sperm can live in the v****a up to 3-4 days

    3.The baby is actually two weeks (give or take a couple days) behind in your pregnancy just because doctors count from you last menstrual period because it is easier to date.

    for example, if you are 9 weeks 6 days pregnant your baby is at 7 weeks 6 days. and to find out the date you conceived you would go by the 7 weeks 6 days

    4. it sounds like you could have conceived around may 8th but healthy sperm can live up to 3-4 days so you can have s*x a couple days before and still conceive.

    5. Also ultrasounds are pretty accurate in the first trimester but can be off by a few days. i knew when i conceived because i charted and used opk's. But my first ultrasound was 5 days off.

    if you have any more questions feel free to email me and i will answer them more thoroughly


    6. No one can tell you the exact date you ovulated because we don't know how long your cycle is.
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