
Help!!!! Please school issue?

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My friends beat me up at school, And I have to buy them lunch what should I do? I'm pretty wealthy I don't mind doing it, But I cry when I go home. I have 2 friends I think thats okay..





  1. It is terrible, that kids beat you up (or even threaten to)...You need  to spend time with the counsellor at your school, or a different adult you can trust. One possibility is to say, "Ok, I'm lending you the money, here's $7.00...Go buy yourself a lunch." The next time they come looking for anything you can say "You never paid me back the last time! I'm still waiting for you guys to pay me back the $7.00!"

  2. I would not call them friend that's for sure! Friends don't hurt each other just because they can. It sounds like you either need new friends or you need to talk to the ones you have and let them know how you feel (I know such a chick thing to say).

  3. You might try:

    Go to the worst one or two, early in the morning, before they beat you, put your arm around their shoulder(s) and say,

    "Lunch is on me".  Then maybe actually eat with them.  

    (If your "friends" beat you, what do your enemies do?)

  4. sorry to say but dont give in to them otherwise they will keep doing it , just say no and if they want to beat you up try to fight back, but if your a passifist or something thats cool just let em beat you up, they will get bored of it eventually. otherwise tell a teacher or something. but dont give in because it will never stop if you do. just be strong and show em you aint no ones pansy. even if it requires you geting a few punches, it shows them your not gonna give in to them , and if not them , at least your own friends will respect you more for doing so!

  5. If your friends beat you up, they aren't friends. It's called bullying--or if you're an adult, assault. You need to talk to your parents and/or the principal at school.

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