
Help!! Polsci Major and there are no Jobs...?

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I graduated from Kean University in '07.

I was a Polisci major which a concentration in comparative politics and Latin American studies.

I have worked as a Urban Enterprise Zone Coordinator since '06. Basically my position acts like a state liasion and assists with several state applications. It is a job that is typical to a city political position, you do NOT move up based on merit.

After i graduated i spent a couple months of sending resumes. I did not get one interview.

I decided to take spring'08 graduate courses (polisci: international relations/comparative politics).

It is summer and although i still work school is out and i have some time to send out resumes. Well i have been doing so and i am scared that i will not get one interview. i feel ike my luck is never going to change. How come my degree and good job don't entice companies to contact me???




  1. I don't mean to be insulting but why did pick such a useless major? You could try applying to law school or work on your masters -maybe you'll get a job with the government. Good luck.

  2. Why did you post this under "Immigration"?  Are you an immigrant?  On a student visa?  Or what?

    PoliSci is a pretty useless major, especially at only a bachelor's level.  It's just another run-of-the-mill liberal arts degree.  You need an MBA in international biz, or a law degree and become a politician or political analyst, or masters in international relations and go into the foreign service (you have to be a citizen of the country whose foreign service you join!).  

    And your job experience likewise is a rather pathetic choice as far as biz is concerned, and as you well realize, it is is a dead-end job.  Another dud in the job competition.

    Compound all this with a more serious problem.  US birth rate is so high (and has been since early 1980's -- well exceeding peaks of the "Boomers") that the US needs to create a minimum of 2 million (net) new jobs per year (yes, even with the supposed "Boomer Retirement").  That assumes ZERO immigration and ZERO work visas and ZERO illegal immigration!  We are not creating any new jobs -- we are losing them and still letting in millions of new immigrants and visa holders each year.  

    The "official" unemployment rate statistics have been manipulated since the Clinton era to disguise the impacts of immigration and the failure of new jobs going to the offspring of our citizens.  Example:  March reported 22,000 net jobs lost.  The actual number was 287,000 net jobs lost, but the "birth-death correction factor" (pure hocus-pocus) subtracted 265,000 of those lost jobs so the govt could report only 22,000 jobs lost.  Actually we pour an average of 180,000 net new workers into the workforce each month -- only counting those born in the US to US citizen-parents.  Add in those born to immigrants who have remained here, and new immigrants & visa holders, all of whom are flooding the workforce.  But new immigrants + new visaholders are not counted in the workforce!  Neither are the new grads just entering the workforce!  Neither are those who have been out of the workforce and are trying to get back in!

    Get the picture?

  3. Your best bet is to get a Ph. D. and teach other people useless skills.

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