
Help! Possible Miscarriage Question?

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Ok, here's my story. I'm 4 1/2 weeks pregnant according to my LMP. I was on clomid and did a Ovidrel shot, and became pregnant the first round. I have been doing the HCG quant tests every two days and the first round it was 43, two days later it was 73, and yesterday it was 68. I know that if there is a drop in your count, that's a sign of misscarriage. My second, lab test that was done on sat came back as 73 and was not ordered stat, sat in the lab until monday. My test done yesterday (monday) ordered stat came back at 68 before my saturday test (are you confused yet) So I have no symptoms of misscarriage. Very slight cramping, No blood! What going on?




  1. I'm presuming the quad test is the beta HCG tesT.

    All i know hun is they should go up not down i wish you luck

  2. Well, it does not sound like it is rising appropriately.  That being said, it is still creeping up, so there is a small chance that it is just a slow starter.  The biggest concern with slow rising betas is ectopic pregnancy.  If your betas continue to rise, by the time they reach 1000-1500 they should be able to see a sac in the uterus.  

    Be aware of any sharp pains on your sides or even shoulder pain.  And report any spotting or bleeding or pain immediately to your doctor.

    Good luck!  I wish you the best.  Remember, sometimes betas take a full 72 hours to double and that is within normal limits.

  3. it means that your baby is not thriveing from what i understand i dont know what else i can say

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