
Help!!! Psychics powers!!!

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Do you think humans posses psychics powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis,pyrokinesis and we can develop them with exercises.Do you think they really work?Can you give my exercises to develop them?




  1. Yes all humans have some or all of these powers to a certain extent. Of course they work, people have been using them for thousands of years.  I think you've been given some links to get you started.

    Instead of trying to learn to cheat on tests, overhear conversations or manifest wealth, why don't you consider 'energy healing'?

    google Reiki or Qi Gong

    Not everyone is meant to be a master of the other arts, consider how good it feels to be able to stanch the flow blood, ease pain, reduce blisters or stop a toothache dead in it's tracks. I have all of the powers listed above but only "Remote Viewing" or dowsing to find lost people or Reiki for healing give me the most satisfaction, cause it feels good to help people.

  2. There is sufficient evidence to point to Remote Viewing as a valid and viable form of clairvoyance. It was recognized by such agencies as the US Department of Defense, CIA, KGB, BKA, and MI-V... who all had scientifically-controlled experiments with it (as well as Penn & Teller, whose challenge was met with a perfect and accurate demonstration). Training manuals for these are available online, as well as Paul Smith's remote viewing training seminars. Paul Smith was verifiably involved with the programs in the United States, though the exact nature of his involvement was not disclosed by the military. It appears that most people have access to remote viewing, and several trials give an accuracy rate which approaches 90%.

    Psychokinesis has been shown to exist at minute levels, but no method of teaching has been devised.

    Finally, the other gifts you mentioned have not been verifiably teachable by anyone, and any inborn talents such as these are likely to be accidental and uncontrollable in nature if they exist.

  3. It is true that with intense consentration and yoga a person can give you powers such as telepathy , etc.  

  4. yes, Einstein actually had the theory that everything that exists has energy of its own, and just depending on how you know how to use it, it shall be mastered.........I believe that deep meditation/concentration enhances psychic ability because you get to know your Higher just about every single subject of parapsychology, you'll find that you need to meditate. Try to contact your Guide Soul, ask questions, during meditation.....just remember not to get scared or freaked out if you do master your skills.

  5. Yes they do i do and know you ahve to be born with it its a gift you ahve to have it sorry you cant just try and get it!

  6. You will need to pick up the appropriate players handbook and learn the rules, but I'm pretty sure the actual act of casting won't require you to actually act anything out ... though I tend to ask that my players act out spell casting on odd occasions when it's not during combat, sometimse we larp spellcasting, which is good fun as we through sponge balls at velcro vests we wear b^^d

    You'll probably want to character gen. along the lines of a psionicist (d20)

  7. I cannot say these powers definitely don't exist but the people who advertise on TV certainly don't possess them. If they did they could get more money than they get through adverts. James Randi has a $1 million prize for anything of this sort tested under lab conditions.

  8. They're absolutely bogus. I have never read a case study where someone claiming to have such powers has been validated through controlled testing. They're claims for scam artists who like to prey on the desperate and weak.  

  9. Developing Your Psychic Abilities  Here's what you need to know about developing your psychic abilities. ... ESP: How You Can Develop Yours - Paranormal Phenomena/The Unexplained - Dat. ... - 31k - Similar pages

    Developing Your Psychic Abilities  Developing Your Own Psychic Powers (Audio) by John Edward .... ESP: How You Can Develop Yours - Paranormal Phenomena/The Unexplained - Dat. ... - 29k - Similar pages

    How to Develop Psychic Abilities - wikiHow  wikiHow article about How to Develop Psychic Abilities. - 36k - Similar pages

    Develop Your Psychic Power!  Develop Your Psychic Power! ... As you develop your psychic gifts you will discover your strengths and weaknesses. It's important to develop all of the ... - 51k - Similar pages

  10. Hello

    As a psychic I do not believe in powers or gifts, we have natural psychic abilities which have to be developed.


  11. yes, human can posses psychic powers, but u cannot generate them by doing exercises!!!

  12. Humans work with on 1/4 part of their brain, rest is still a mystery.  We all have these powers to a degree, some more than others.  Yes they can be worked at.  Yoga, meditation, and some help from paranormal centers, can give good advice on how to work on them.  But you need to have some from the start, in order to realize them further, cause it is tough work.  It takes a h**l of lot concentration, and you may have no time for anything else.  It's like body building, you build up muscles slowly and painfully to get to a certain point.

  13. Contact the Association for Research and Enlightenment they will get you started.

  14. I suggest reading "The Field" by Lynn McTaggart. It's a book following a personal research project into parapsychology and the possibility that humans can affect the world around them by will and directed thought.

    Can humans move cars and start fires with their brains? Probably not. But some well-designed studies have shown that people can apparently communicate (if unreliably) over long distances, and have a limited ability to either predict the future or affect the outcome of random events by will.

    The most interesting study that McTaggart referenced was into psychic healing: it emerged that all forms of faith healing, whether reiki/shamanistic/direct prayer to various faiths etc etc. had the same statistical impact. In other words, the healing effect was coming not from god, or the ritual, or the training, but from the person spending time thinking about healing the target.

    So the best "exercise" you can try to develop whatever abilities humanity might have is to develop a strong will and confidence in yourself, and to direct your willpower to achieving what you want in life. Even if there is nothing supernatural out there, at least you'll have developed something valuable in yourself.

  15. Quisas, quisas, quisas. In other words, perhaps. I hear psi balls work.

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