
Help! REALLY important question!?

by Guest62108  |  earlier

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Do the needs of a community outweigh future environmental and economic consequences?

Please take one of the following positions on this issue:

* If you are pro dam construction, discuss why the needs of the community are more important than the environmental and economical consequences that will be incurred.

* If you are against the construction of the dam, discuss why the environment should be considered more highly and offer some alternatives for increasing water resources.

* 8 hours ago

* - 3 days left to answer.




  1. Another dam homework question.

    New dams in the US have been stalled because every time one is proposed the lawsuits begin to fly and it never gets approved as a result.

    I'll choose the pro-dam argument since I'm eveeel.

    Environmental consequences can be ameliorated by relocating flora and fauna from the area to be flooded or you can do it gradually so that the animals can mosey to drier parts.

    Economic consequences would be positive overall, and the government buys up land that will be underwater as a result of the dam. You are forcing someone to move who may not wish to, but society makes those decisions all the time, the greater good and all that.

    The dam can provide irrigation and drinking water in time of drought, power if a hydroelectric plant is added, recreational opportunities different from what was there before and a home for countless fish. Without dams, modern civilization would never have evolved since they created arable farmland and a steady water source in many places where they never existed before. Nomads became farmers, built societies, invented politics. Well, the last counts as a negative I guess.

  2. Dam construction sometimes change the socio-economic structure of the society. The peasants get required amount of water to cultivate their lands-which is needed for their economic development and growth of the country, as a whole.But it should be constructed in an eye to the minimum destruction of forests and  does not hamper  the ecological patterns of the state. Development is necessary for our country-But it does not mean the indiscriminate  destruction of forests --The balance between good  and bad for  the common people should be estimated.

  3. ask the people in new orleans, or those who drain flood plains and build developments.  Its usually a bad idea to mess with mother nature, and not just because a couple owls or sand flies will become extinct.  The needs of the community should be considered, and one thing that should be considered is if they are really needs, and then the long term needs should take precedence over short term election year sell the most houses type of needs.  Progress is a great thing, but some places just arent meant for humans to live in.

  4. lets say i'm against it. the environment must be considered more because it is a home to numerous animals and they wll be displaced in thier natural habitat if ever this construction happens. besides, more forests will be cut down and a higher risk of natural calamities like floods might occur and the dam might not able to withstood such calamities.

    i am more against those kind of constructions but somehow i partly favor these kind of constructions because it helps to improve our lives. the only thing i want them to do is that they must not destroy so many forests and other habitats of the animals. but i'm afraid the needs of the community will outweigh future needs of thhe environment because of the booming population.

    Good Luck!

  5. there is a great article about dams in SCIENTIFIC AMERICA about 2 years ago and it deals with the decommissioning of dams through out the US.My understanding was that the building of dams in the US was stalled the the department of fish and wildlife was no longer okaying new developments because of the damage to the water ways.I am against the new construction check out the article.

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