
Help Radio 0nline??????? ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make my 0wn online radio station but it has to be free otherwise i unfortunatly cant make one i'd love tomake one Any who can help i'd be veryvery Greatful

Thanxz <x




  1. Try a prgram called pirate radio.. It will start you off.. Then once your good at it .. go to Sam broadcaster .. Thats what i use.

    Nilo the Angry Latino

    Livid Line: 201-258-4521

    Click to tune in :  mms://

  2. Its possible to do but if you want to play signed music you have to cough up cash...

    I&#039;ve created a completely free radio broadcast using Shoutcast / Winamp and getting unsigned bands to submit music.

    For a relatively cheap legal option you can use Live365 or Loud City...but another option is to hang on a bit and wait for a French company to come out of Beta and allow sign ups from outside France and Belgium...

    Radionomy....which will include licenses and bandwidth totally free...

    If you need help setting up a Shoutcast server, search on Youtube for &quot;Setting up a free internet radio&quot; and there are some good easy to follow videos of how to do it...

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