
Help!!!..... Refridgerator is acting up and I can't sleep!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't really know much about how refridgerators work other than keeping food cold. This is how mine is acting up.....

So I get home and all is quiet then I hear my fridge start to cool the food (the regular noise that fridges make) but right when its about to stop it makes this loud noise like an engine dying. Then it's quiet again but fifteen minutes or so later it starts all over again. This goes on throught the whole day... and night. It wakes me up cause its so loud. I need help! Do I need to buy a whole new fridge? is there anything I can do to fix it? HELP!




  1. You didnt give enough info, but check this site for help -

  2. "this loud noise like an engine dying" ??

    You mean a knocking sound when it stops, I bet.

    That would be the compressor pump and motor hitting the sides of the metal can in which it is mounted. It is mounted on three springs to dampen vibration. One of those springs is weak or broken and the only fix is a new compressor.

    They can work a fairly long time like that, years really.

    But generally the cost of repair exceeds value unless it is rather expensive refrigerator.

    Live with it or replace it.

    Sorry to tell ya.

  3. how old is the fridge? More than 10 years, it's more cost effective to replace it. Sounds like the compressor motor is dying. New refrigerators are so much more energy efficient than  a 10 year old one. Watch your electric bill go down.

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