
Help Selecting My First Snowboard - Part 2?

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This will be my first snowboard and I'm looking for a very versatile board that will not only handle ANY and ALL terrain in an excellent manner, but will also adapt easily to my expertise level as I become a more advanced rider. I consider myself a beginning-intermediate right now - I'm still having problems with toe turns. Is there such a thing as an all-around great board that will be forgiving to beginners yet satisfy and even please advanced riders? I'm particularly interested in the K2 Darkstar.

So far, the Burton Custom seems to be the most consistent recommendation, but here are other boards I'm interested in:

Lib Tech TRS MTX

Gnu Riders Choice MTX

Gnu Carbon High Beam MTX

K2 Darkstar

Forum Recon

Flow Quantum

Nitro T1

Ride Agenda

Rome Mod

Venue Onyx

Palmer Pulse

Rome Solution

Help me narrow my list down! Thank you so much!




  1. I ride the Burton Custom and it is a great board, it has good flex, specs and is stylish. I would go with Burton because they are rider driven and give the best performance. All of their boards are great but i would get the dominant because you are not to advanced, is good all around the mountain and is great if you are also advanced, not to mention the price. If you want to find other boards, i would recommend these boards from your list: Rome Solution, K2 Darkstar, Rome Mod, Ride Agenda. Others are not bad, but i think these brands have the experience and years to justify their quality boards. The others are new and still have not quite excelled in their technology. These boards I've selected are also more likely to sell later on because of their brand name. But its really your Choice, Good Luck.

  2. get a k2 darkstar they break easy!

  3. I'd vote on the Recon for you.

    It's cool to have a lot of money and buy the best board out there but if you buy one too advanced for you it might hinder your riding.  It's true that a beginner can ride an advanced board but there's no real benefit to it.  In my opinion you'd be better off buying a medium priced intermediate board and then ride that for a few seasons while saving up for a top level board when you're actually ready for it.  Also advanced boards tend to lean more toward park or pow because once you've been riding several seasons you probably know what you ride and like more and aren't really looking for a board to ride everywhere.

    If you're trying to impress people by laying down big money on a board before you're ready for it it might backfire when they see the guy falling on every other toe turn riding a board that cost the same as an old Honda.

  4. burton and forum are the best as far as brands. but its all about preference

  5. burton costom x

  6. no burton

    but ride's good

  7. I would go for the gnu carbon or the rome solution because they have good reviews

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