
Help? Serious problem with my brother. 10pts!

by  |  earlier

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I'm so fustranted. My brother had a serious ADHD, and he refuse to take his medications even my mom doesn't try to make him. My mom is gone dropping my sister to her job. So my brother(Tyler) is alone with me. He would open my bedroom door, and ask me stupid question(blahblah) I cant even get him to shut up and being so hyper. Hes so mean, the way he talk to me. I asked him I need to go in bathroom while he is popping his pimple(gross) and he said no! I said "please!" then he came up saying "you stupid b****!" then seem like he tried to punch me. Then when I finished with bathroom, and went in my room. Guess what? Tyler opened my McDonald wrapper, seem like he spit on it.

I know its immature story. But I really need help with it. I want to get out of his life, he had been threating me, and polices don't take it serious. Tyler have two felonies(sp?) but hes only fifteen? and I'm thirteen.

I know you guys are gunna be like "ohh he is just your brother! All brother is like that!"... No wrong, no brother is suppose to threat to kill their sister, and try to take it serious...

My question is "what can I do?" I tried to smile, and being nice, and aviod him.

Best answer** 10pts!




  1. I'm sorry to hear that- that sucks.  He's at a tough age for a boy with problems.  You are already doing the right thing- exactly what you said- be the bigger person and be nice, and avoid him.  Smart of you.

    You don't deserve to live like that, but if your mom isn't being supportive then just know that he will grow out of this.  Do you have a close girlfriend you could bring over to your house to hang with you?  I doubt he'd act so horrible around other people.

    Also he would benefit from counseling.  Maybe talk to your school counselor and she/he could suggest to your parents.

    Good luck.

  2. Hey...take it from a little brother. I have 4 older brothers...The meds...don't make sense to me. Boys are generally more hyper. Had a nefew on that...its a drag to take them. Side effects...Hey its summer...let him forget about meds...He needs to use up that energy somehow...staying in the house is not the answer. To be candid, it sounds like he scares you. My brother scared the c**p out of me. Accept what he does to himself as is. Don't question it. Its his body...You probably would not want someone to harp on you for doing something to your body if that was the case. He's old enough to make the choice. Hey my brother put me in a hospital, he does drugs, alcohol...I do my own thing now...have my own friends and stuff. If he wants to be bad to you or your family members...he will wind up in a bad place. You care for him...that's good. But don't try to correct him. Have good clean fun and be happy! Take advantage of the rest of the summer...get out and do something cool!

    Take care!

  3. My daughter has severe ADHD, she doesn't personally notice a diffrece when she takes her meds or when she's off of them.  However the way she acts and how she treats others is greatly changed by the meds.  You Mother should be doing more by forcing him, and she's doing him and you a great injustice by not addressing the behavior issues and his threating you.  If you have already talked to her you need to report this to a councelor at school.  They will be able to give you solid advice, council you, and they also have some rights to interfer where your bother is concerned.  It just may help him, you, and your Mother.  Give it a try and see what happens.

  4. WOW!!!!!

  5. Omagosh im sorry! that sucks! Just try to tell your mom that he needs to take his medication and tell her what happens when she's not around. My best friend has a little brother who is extrememly autistic. He's only 7 but still when her moms not around he can be really annoying and a handful. Its not her mom's fault but my best friend is always welcome at our house and all our other friends' moms understand. Talk to your friends see if you can't go over to their houses whenever you don't feel like dealing with your brother. Go for a walk if you live in a good neighborhood. Go to a relative houses and if nothing else talk to like a school counselor, or if you feel comfortable talk to one of your friend moms. good luck!

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