
Help! Shell Rot!!?

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Hi, I have a Western Paint Turlte, and he DOES have shell rot! I can see where he got run over at one time, and parts of his shell got damaged. They also got infected with shell rot. I am treating him with perixide, and it seems to be working. But on the bottom of his shell, he has a spot under the skin. I want to make a SMALL insision in the skin to allow the wound to get air and dry out, and then treat it, as well. Can I do this without hurting him too much? (THERE ARE NO VETS AROUND MY AREA!) Thanks!




  1. Really, im not sure, i hear that making a small incision is ok when a turtle has an eye infection, because it helps to drain out the puss. I suggest u get some sulfa dip, and dip your turtle about 2 or 3 times a week for about 20 or 30 minutes. Dipping gets out any pesky bugs, algae, etc.

  2. Go to this site for care of shell diseases, it tells you what to do:

  3. Actually, neither 'poking' nor peroxide are recommended cares for shell problems.

    If you found the turtle within the last 6 months, please let it go where you found it. It will heal well in the wild.

    If you are caring for it at home, do this...

    - Boost water temps to 80-85F. Use a BIG tank of very clean water.

    - Daily, gently scrub off any debris on the injured or diseased areas. Swab the area well with Betadine Solution (providone iodine). Add a dollop of antibiotic ointment if the wound is open or raw looking. Let it dry for an hour and return it to the water.

    - The spot on the plastron SHOULD already have a small pinhole- that is how the infection got in there. The swabbing should deal with this.

    The problem with peroxide is that kills the young cells trying to heal things. It is OK to clean a new wound if you don't have anything better, and when you have known infection in soft tissues for a short-term treatment, but it is not for big or long-term things. really does have good stuff there!
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