
Help Shooting A Basketball?

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I used to be a very good shooter in basketball. I had a leg injury and my shot is extremely inconsistent. There will be a few days where I am making everything. However, there are far more days where I rarely put the ball in the hoop. Any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.




  1. i suggest ALWAYS look at the hoop. i mean don't just look at it, LOOK AT IT! and take whatever hand you shoot with and make sure your followthrough is straight.

  2. Alright, the perfect way to improve your shooting is to simply shoot 1-3 feet away from the basket. you should shoot with perfect form. First just use your shooting hand to shoot, then later on you can use your off hand. remember to take your off hand off the ball during the shot because it can affect your shooting. While shooting near the basket, just focus and swishing every shot, put high arc on it, use your legs, and shoot at least 100 shots. after the 100 shots, your shooting form will become a lot more consistent, trust me.

  3. put your middle finger on the air hole.that makes a straight shot. power is up to u.

  4. try to shoot with one consistent formation that feels good for you..............just practice

  5. square ya shoulders to the basket. keep ya guide hand steady on the ball, bend ya knees some n jump, pushing up while releasing the ball on ya shot and snap ya wrist on the release n follow thru till the fingers on ya guide hand is facing the basket and the fingers of ya shooting had are pointer toward the floor. adjust till it feels comfortable to you. and repeat n shoot till your shot is consistent.

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