
Help! Should We Feed a Duck that has Laid Eggs on our Property?

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A mallard duck has a nest of eggs on our property. We have never seen her leave her nest. As we are several blocks away from water, should we provide some type of food or water for her? I appreciate all answers but am looking for an answer from someone with experience in this matter as I don't wish to interfere with nature if I could cause some type of harm. Thanks!




  1. She should be fine. Our female mallard only leaves her nest early in the morning. If she is wild you don't need to worry about food or water.

    If you'd like to you can always set some cracked corn or duck feed out for her, though there is a possibility that she may not eat it.

  2. It is normal for brooding birds to eat very little (I've even had hens on infertile eggs fast for days out of dedication).  She probably does leave occasionally, and wouldn't have chosen the spot if there wasn't abundant food.

    You're right that feeding could cause harm - primarily to the ducklings.  Young waterfowl with diets too high in protein (which happens when people feed them things like dog food or corn) can develop a malformation called "angel-wing" as their wings develop, which renders them permanently unable to fly.

  3. Just leave her alone and observe the miracle of nature.

  4. Sure, you can make some food available for her..cracked corn or duck pellets..but just make sure you do not leave the food anywhere near the nest as this can draw predators to it.

  5. Leaving food out can draw in predators like dogs or other birds...etc...  The duck wouldn't have made a nest in a place without the necessities of life

    I don't think leaving a shallow pail of water nearby would hurt anything though. Just try to avoid going near the nest too often.

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