
Help! Slightly strange problem with my backward crossovers.?

by  |  earlier

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Well, this Sunday, I was in a collision with another skater at the rink. I was doing backward crossovers in a figure of eight, when she suddenly landed a Waltz jump were i was about to go. I tried really hard to stop, but somehow she kept going, without noticing I Was still there, and we collided. She went to the ground, and i hit the barrier sideways.

Neither of us was THAT badly hurt. I just got a few bruised ribs and a badly sprained shoulder, and she just bruised her forearm. But i went to practice today, i now have a mental block when it comes to my left backwards crossovers.

Its not that I'm scared of doing them, its just that it seems like ive gone back 2 that stage, just after you've learnt them. And I was ment 2 compete in a club competition next week, and i really need these 2 get bak 2 the standard at what they were.

Please help me. IS there anything i could do so I can more quickly get them back??

Thanks so much!




  1. Go everyday possible this week! i had the exact same thing happen but it was a spiral. The more u do them th better they'll get again. And dont look down wen doing them, tht might remind u of the collision=\. And remember that u cud do them before, and tht 1 fall cant change ur capabilities. u can still do them its just psychological tht u cant. I got back to normal quick and i just past advanced profficancy on my spiral, so u can get back 2=)  And on the bright side after tht upsetting fall u most likely wont be afraid of it anymore like me! after my fall from the spiral i liked falling becuz wenever i cant land a jump i feel like i am trying anyway and i dont mind falling. it shud be the same for u=) so atleast theres a bright side! ahha. well good luck in ur competition!! I hope u do well! ill be in the valentine open in february at yorktown=\. Well good luck!

  2. You just have to force yourself and go out there and do them. It sounds like you do have fear of it even if you don't realize it.  

  3. had a bad fall from a spiral, but i just tried it again

    just go back on the ice and don't worry about it

    one time i actually went over a smaller skater and felt so bad going backwards

    do your crossovers off ice and stay away from the part of the rink that it happened. it might help your mind to stay focused. also get rid of the mental block

    you have to get over it though since of the comp

    force yourself to get over it and you'll be fine

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