
Help!!! Squirrels keep attacking me and my house!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i think this all started about two days ago when i nearly ran a squirrel over with my car while pulling in my drive way. when i got out, the little b*****d ran up my leg and made me drop my groceries. unfortunately that wasnt the end of the little pricks revenge rampage. now i have more squirrels than ever aroung my house and i have too many trees to pin point which one to attack. they are throwing accorns at anyone who steps foot in my yard, including me and they sometimes jump on the dog and the mail man. it is very embarrasing, what should i do???!!!




  1. lay off the drugs or blow up the trees

  2. Hahahaahahahaha!

  3. This would make a good movie, Revenge of the Killer Squirrels, but unfortunately, it is not a very believable story.

  4. Its called squirrel season get you a gun and have a battle with the lil varmits.  Plus they are pretty good to eat fried or BBQ

  5. Contact your city hall & let them know of this!! & the Pr0bLeM`z` that it's caused !! They should  send city workers to lay down some traps in key areas that you might want to be around when this should happen to give them some idea of problem areas `round your home!!.  G/L~!!! rRr

  6. Talk to them while holding a carrot in one hand and sticks in another - it works for Obama!

  7. I have heard of this , try a super soaker water gun and shoot at them  We only have three very friendly guys , but the stellar jays dive bomb us every now and we shoot them with the water gun they quiet down...haha

  8. Maybe you have a very unsuccessful wildlife rehabber living in your neighborhood that is releasing her 'rehabbed animals' unto the poor, unsuspecting public.

    An unsuccessfully rehabbed squirrel can confuse the lines between wanting to have contact with humans and their natural aggressive tendencies ;0)

  9. By spuirrels do you mean crackheads ?

  10. that sounds funny.are you sure they really go out of their way to nail you?

  11. GO SQUIRRELS!!!!woo hoo!

  12. catch'em in some box traps and kill 'em.

    Maybe theres an outfit there that will either lend u or rent U a few.

    or poison some peanuts with warfarin ,,that should work.

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