
Help - Strange behaviour.

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My cat is being really weird today...

First of all she tried to climb through my open window, 2nd floor. She kept looking at the window trying to escape. Then when I tried to pull her away she ran out of the room quickly. I shut the window completely, and put on a CD. Within a matter of seconds, she was back in my room staring at the window. I turned to her and tried to pick her up, she ran out of my room again. She settled down on the stairs, so I sat by her and stroked her. She ran away again to my brother's door. I opened his door and she ran under his bed and hid. Is there any experts out there that can help with this...? Anyone's opinion on this...? Thank you x




  1. she may of just been looking at the window out on interest, cats sit and stare at some pretty boring stuff usualy its cause they seen something they just waiting for it to come back and it can be somethin pointless like a fly.  your cat is just acting like a normal female cat does!! she needs her space sometimes and then other times she want soo much attention from you. you just have to realise when your cat wants to sit and relax or wants loads of fuss off you. your cat may have been scared, a way to see this is if her tail is more bushy then usual and if shes holding it low and swishing it about abit it means she angry and scared so if she just looks normaly but runs away she just wants space. i hope i helped.  

  2. is she neuterd.could be she wants a she cat started doing that at about 5-6 months but after we got her neuterd she was fine.saying that they usually get more friendly when they call

  3. 1) Maybe something had scared her and made her go skits (:

    2) Maybe she wanted to go outside

    3) I have no idea and am probably wrong.

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