
Help (TIPS?) on algebra final?!?

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0 LIKES UnLike my average is a 93 in math but the final have tommorow is gonna be veryyy hard...fill in the blank...200 questions...2 and a half hours...i got to a private school(im in 8th grade). So, you got any tips?




  1. hey didn't you say that you were a sophomore once?...weird, I could've sworn you mentioned you were a sophomore before. My memory never fails! anyway algebra isn't hard really. When I took it, it was an easy A class. The finals was an insult because it was sooo easy. We had fill in the blanks along with multiple choice and you just have to remember some terms. Like substitution is _____ or a polynomial is ______. Yea that was a fun final... But seriously if you got a 93 in algebra, it cant be that hard for you then. You'll do fine Im sure. I had a 90 average overall.

  2. I'm n 8th grade 2 and I had an EOC course test

    (but it doesn't sound as hard as yours gonna be,plus I don't go to a private school) and I tried to study for it but it didn't work, so you either know the material or you don't (since you have a 93 average I got a feeling you know it). Just relax and take your time and check your answers two different ways (the way you solved it and another way). And actually end of course test was easier than I thought it would be.

  3. You should study ALL formulas.

    It might be nice to make little songs to help you out.


    Order of Operations

    Please(parenthesis) Excuse(exponents) My (multiply) Dear(divide) Ant(add) Sally(subtract).

    Or for Trigonometry

    SohCahToa=Sine, Cosine, and Tangent

    Get a good Breakfast!

    Get some good sleep!

    Wake up early and review!

    I'm sure with a 93 you'll do just fine.

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