
Help! There's a huge spider in my house!?

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So I was sitting at my computer, and I looked out the window, and right in the center of it was a spider at least the size of my hand (including my fingers)! I have arachnophobia, but only of large spiders like this one. I did some research online and found out it was a hobo spider, which charges even when not threatened. Now I am scared to even move at all. Is there any way I can kill it instantly without getting within two feet of it?




  1. Ugh!  Hobos have a VERY nasty bite.  Like, go to the hospital bite.  I know it sounds silly...but you can call animal control for something like that.  They are dangerous.  Or, you can get a Swiffer (those cleaning things) and squash it.  I hate killing bugs, but if it is the bug or a hospital bill and a welt the size of a silver dollar...I'll kill the bug.  Hairspray works, but I'd be careful.  It doesn't dry right away, especially when sprayed in large, yeah.  Have a backup handy if you are gonna go that route.  Good luck.  If you do get bitten, call the doctor or your nearest hospital.  Not as bad as a brown recluse spider bite, but darn close.

  2. I share your pain! I'm terrified of spiders and have tried many things. Don't use the hairspray, air freshener, or any of those things -- they might kill it eventually, but not quickly.

    Wasp/hornet spray works well and is designed to kill stuff from a good distance; I always keep at least one or two cans of it in the house.  

    If I find a spider on the floor, I often drop a book on it from a good height to flatten it, then step on the book to make absolutely sure it's dead.

    Good luck.

  3. Run Away,LOL.....I would suggest you get someone who is in your house at the moment to kill it or take it outside for you,if your too afraid to do it.....Good luck....:)

  4. Well your probably exaggerating about the size of the spider because hobos don't get that big, and tarantulas don't make webs... but yeah your hair spray will probably kill it just get it with a thick coat so you can clog it up. Also your safe to get away from your computer I'm sure you can move fast enough to get away from the spider.

  5. Arachnophobia is fear of spiders..all spiders.  A very irrational fear.  If you are only afraid of this huge one, like most of us would be, you don't have arachnophobia.  Get some raid.

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