
Help! This Kid Is Starting To Annoy Me?

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Hi! I'm 15 and this kid at school is starting to annoy me. I am 6ft and work out a lot, so am quite muscular and weigh 184 pounds. This kid is the same age as me, but he is about 5'4ft and is a little weedy.

For about 2 months now, he just randomly comes up to me and will punch me hard in the stomach or on my back. I've never hit him back as I am a pacifist, but now I want to, just to teach him a lesson and to make him stop.

I want to hit him, but where should I hit him? I don't want to kill him or break any of his bones, I just want to hit him somewhere it hurts (i don't want to hit him in the balls 'cus that seems a little g*y to me)!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!




  1. just tell him you already have a girl friend. Don't get physical be smart!

  2. Uhm can't you just block his blows? Self-defense is fine, but fighting him back will backfire and you'll get in trouble over it.

    Just put your hand up to stop him from hitting you.

  3. I just think that if you hit him back, somehow it will backfire and this kid will probably accuse you of bullying. It's not right , I know, but after having my teenage daughter bullied by a group of girls at High School, and all the school did was have the  School counsellor tell her to stick up for herself more. She ended up shouting something at them to try and get them to leave her alone, after months of harrassment from them. The school then informed me she had done wrong! It was the last straw and I had to take her out of the school. Sorry to rattle on, It's just I figure something similar could happen if you hit him back.

  4. tell him to f00k off and if he doesnt punch him in the face

  5. What a spaz! If you have to do anything, just put him in a headlock until he calls for mercy. Don't hit him - but show him that you're sick of it.

  6. tell him if he dose it agian... "you touch me one more time i will rip you apart like a little worm" and if that dosent help then do it :)

  7. dude seriously, just tell him to **** off and stop hitting you, and if he doesn't stop or he wants to fight you and you have no other choice set in your head than to resort to violence punch him in the face of course, watch UFC   it'll get you pumped up and you can learn some moves  and that's pretty awesome that your 6ft   have fun! ♥ko

  8. That will count as bullying, tell him first that you don't want to be hit or stuff and if that doesn't work, tell your teacher/parents.

  9. Come on if u have so much muscles and call yourself stong why are u complaining about some skinny kid hitting you?? OWEE it hurts! quit crying if  he hits you punch a wall and look really mad and tell him that wall is going 2 be ur face if u touch me again!!!"""""

  10. try not to hit him. Try to talk to him and ask him if he can stop. when he comes up to you grab him and scare him and say dont do it again OR ELSE.

  11. My dad taught me to punch in the nose with all my power.

    He just told me that when he was scared I might get attacked in the street or something. Try doing that. You just have to be quick and right to the point. Practice at home ( not with some one of course) I'm just saying to make your hand stronger, and since you work out, it's a gonna be a piece of cake for you.

    This way, he will be irritated, hurt and bleeding.

  12. My son has a similar problem in the end he picked the boy up, put him under his arm and carried him about for a while. The boy found this very humiliating because everyone was laughing. He put him down and took him by the ear, explained that he was much bigger and stronger than the boy and what had just happened was just the beginning of retaliation if the boy ever hit him again. He didn't

  13. hit  him on his arm     not  the stomach  

    u might hurt him


    i hate little weak annoying guys

    good luck

    can u please answer mine;...

  14. Why not just scare him. Don't hit him cuz that's just lowing ur self to his lvl. Also violence  doesn't  solve anything ^_^

  15. Violence is never the answer.

    I'd straight up ask him why he continues to do this.

    Since you're a pacifist, don't hit him. You're just dropping down to his level.

    Do you have to see this person?

    If someone kept punching me, I'd avoid that person altogether. There's no reason for someone to punch someone.

    He might be trying to make himself look better. Since you're six feet tall, and he's only five four, he's attempting to 'show himself up'. He's probably saying to his friends 'Watch me hit this big guy.' And then he goes up and hits you and you just stand there and do nothing.

    But please, don't hit him. It would go against your beliefs.  

  16. i think u should just tell him to back of before u start hitting him back?

  17. If you work out and are quite muscular whereas he's a little weedy, just give him a normal punch in the stomach. He'll only get winded without any real damage. If you're still worried, just aim lower, right at his belly button. You can use more strength there cos it's not the solar plexus.

  18. Ahahaha, sounds like some stupid kids I know, just give him a good punch in the arm or kick him in the shin. :P

  19. Tell your teacher. Best to aviod violence.  

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