
Help!!! To Kill A Mockingbird???

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Can someone tell me what page is where the writer's purpose revealed?

I already found the Theme

and all i need is the writer's purpose...




  1. I'm not sure there's one single page where Harper Lee magically reveals the purpose.

  2. Well you could argue that the theme is the purpose depending on what theme you identified.  Personally, I think Harper Lee's purpose was to identify through this narrative how actions adults carry out can have a negative effect on children, or how a community's beliefs can be harmful to those who choose to stray away from the common path.  

  3. If your annotating it may be somewhere around the back when they are talking about how Boo saved the children.

    ((BTW asking about homework questions on YA is never a good idea.))

  4. in don't know what that purpose is, but when i think about it i think the purpose is that things are not what they seem as in the case of boo .from the first of the book he is supposedly always in the house. he is never allowed to leave. at the end we know that is not the case. in the case of mr. robinson, the man in jail when he escapes the way it is written he wants to die he can't tolorate being in jail another second. and the man that wanted to kill jem and scout, he was the one that raped his daughter not the one on trial. i hope i have answered your questions. this is how i see this book. i like this book. i read a lot.

  5. the writer's purpose was to get you to actually READ THE BOOK and take from the narrative the universal issues of morality that we all face, regardless of how long we wait to write a term paper for school....

  6. Oh read the book! This book is like a nice warm slice of apple pie. It's beautiful and poigniant and tragic... The characters are some of the funniest and warmest in all of literature. There is a reason that they make you read this book in school, because it really ought to be a shared American experience. It has the capacity to be life-changing. If you don't read it you will be cheating yourself big time.

    BTW: The overall purpose of this book was to reveal people's darker intentions about race in that time period. After this book was published it made it a lot harder for people that read it to say things like,"well he was one of the good ones". Harper knew that everybody in the south was going to read this book no matter what she wrote because she was the granddaughter of Gen. Robert E. Lee, so she wrote a book that completely called them out, and it just happens to be one of the best novels in literature. If you want a nice, compact purpose it would be this: You can't judge a book by it's cover.

    P.s. Did you know that the character of "Dill" was based on one of Harper's real life chidhood (and grown-up) friends? Truman Capote

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